Nazi regime reduce amount of bread served to Palestinian prisoners

A Palestinian throws a stone to Israeli forces as Israeli security forces intervene them during a demonstration to show solidarity with Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, near the Ofer Prison in Ramallah, West Bank on 5 October, 2019 [Issam Rimawi/Anadolu Agency]

A Palestinian throws a stone to Nazi security forces intervene them during a demonstration to show solidarity with Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, near the Ofer Prison in Ramallah,

The Israeli Prison Services (IPS) has decided to reduce food amounts and many other services offered to Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails, Palestinian Prisoner Club (PPC) revealed on Monday.

In a statement, the PPC announced that this step is part of Gilad Erdan’s Committee, which decided in 2018 to cancel all the achievements that the prisoners gained throughout their struggle with the IPS.

The statement, which was sent to mass media, pointed out that the IPS is to reduce the number of TV channels allowed for the prisoners from ten to seven, to lower the number of loaves of bread from five to four, and to withdraw cookers and 40 items from their purchases. In addition, the IPS will also cut down on the amount of meat, water and books allowed.

It will also ofoiled eggs, ban the use of coloured blankets, restrict movement amo g prison departments, decrease the time of breaks, minimise the number of family visits and change factional representation.

Meanwhile, the prisoners stressed that they are currently laying out a resistance plan against the IPS over these measures, which are gradually being implemented.

The PPC reiterated that the IPS is intending to impose a new reality inside the Israeli prisons, based on political orders and systematic policies aiming to put more pressure on the prisoners and rendering their lives unbearable.

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