Nazi regime Prevents Urgent Medical Equipment from Entering Gaza

Palestinian medics in Gaza city convert an empty mosque into a COVID-19 testing center.(Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

Nazi occupation regime have prevented medical equipment and spare parts from entering the besieged Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza said on Sunday.

Speaking at a press conference held near the Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing – north of Gaza – Director of the Medical Imaging Unit at the Ministry of Health, Ibrahim Abbas, said:

“The Israeli occupation prevents Palestinians from accessing proper treatment inside and outside Gaza.”

The Beit Hanoun crossing is the main passage between the besieged enclave, ‘Israel’ and the Nazi occupied West Bank. It is controlled by the Nazi army, which has been imposing a strict siege on Gaza since 2007.

Abbas said that Nazi occupation regime have been preventing the entry of important diagnostic equipment and components of the oxygen generation plant, which is urgently needed for most medical centres across the Nazi besieged enclave.

He stressed that the Nazi occupation authorities have been adopting the policy of “slow death” against patients in the Gaza Strip.

Abbas pointed out that the Nazi occupation is carrying out such violations against the healthcare sector in Gaza while the world is battling against the spread of the coronavirus.

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