Nazi regime influenced NATO carries blame for EU/Middle East Refugee Crisis

Israeli influenced NATO carries blame for EU/Middle East Refugee Crisis

By GM 

Above photo: Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin and NATO’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

by Hans Myrebro

An enormous terror attack on the 11th of September 2001 in the USA was planned. It gave the starting signal for the destruction of the Middle East.  Since all trails lead to the CIA, few people nowadays doubt that the attack was a commissioned work.

That organization or the organizations that planned and executed the attack that killed thousands of people is to be found inside the USA

To immediately lead the tracks away from the own power elite, analyst Bill Bennett speaking on CNN the day after, on Sept. 12, 2001, concluded:

“Congress must declare war against the militant Islam and overwhelming force must be used.”

Immediately the one guilty pointed out without any proof that a strike against Militant Islam was necessary.  The 9/11 attack and the call for retaliation became the starting signal for what came to be called “The War on Terror”.

But even though everything pointed to the USA as the core of the terror around the world especially in the Middle East,  immediately a large number of Arab states were pointed out as guilty.  It was obvious that one wanted to arrive at that point – to find a reason for demolishing a number of Arab states that happened to be situated to close to Israel.

In due time the plan meant that a large number of terrorists were created where there were none and the destruction of the country after country meant that major refugee streams were generated.

NATO countries with the USA in the lead carried out both the initial infiltration and influencing work but also the direct work of destruction by financing proxy troops like the ISIS.

In an extended Middle East Drama four major actors can be identified, the USA, NATO, Russia, and Israel. Only one of these protagonists had a goal to use terror to bring about a wrecked Middle East, while two of the other players – the USA and NATO – on the paper wanted to excite more democratic and humanistic states by bombing them to pieces.

Russia, on the other hand, had during many years created better living conditions in Syria through aid work and wanted to continue along that path. Russia has always opposed Western imperialistic influence, especially in the unstable Middle East.

The professors Walt and Mearsheimer have among others carefully documented that what is obvious for most – namely the Israeli Zionist Lobby has a powerful influence in the USA; especially in the area of foreign policy.

The result, in this case, is that Washington is remotely controlled from Jerusalem. NATO’s operational functions are in Brussels but the center for defining its goals and controlling its policies is somewhere in Washington, the town in which Israel with free hands exercise its military-political influence.

Israel is the state that never had to be quiet about its intentions. This because it knows that it is the USA’s nursling, at the same time as it exploits and profits from the USA’s lack of self-reliance and self-confidence.

Already in 1982, Israel made clear in a manifest, the so-called Yinon Plan, that all Arab states should be scrunched and then it would be suitable to start with Iraq. The demolition of states, however, led to enormous refugee streams, something that the Israeli side definitely did not concern itself with.  In fact, such chaos and division facilitated the goal of a Greater Israel.

The path that Israel entered in 1982 was cemented in 1996 in the document New Strategy for Securing the Realm that was produced by a working group under the former and current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The implication of this document was a further step on the path to destruction by removing Saddam Hussein from power as the prelude to demolishing a number of states. One also stated that the “way to Damascus goes over Bagdad”. The capital of Syria, Damascus, was not able to escape.  Israel and NATO states trained and equipped terrorists to do the dirty work, then to be later executed.

In the autumn of 2015, Vladimir Putin at a G-20 conference revealed that it was these G20 states that wholehearted supported ISIS.  With military force, the Russian President got active and started to fight the Western Powers cherished terrorists. This is the phase when ISIS aimed to take over the whole of Syria.

We are now seeing the result of a “brain-dead” aggression policy carried out by the USA and NATO in line with Israel’s wishes, a state that without transliteration has declared its goal of crushing the Arab states.

The result has been enormous material destruction and a refugee catastrophe with hundreds of thousand families affected. This is something that burdens the whole of Europe. We should carefully note that it wasn’t the Arabs, with roots in their countries going back thousands of years, that took action to bring about this deadly scenario.  But it was NATO, the USA, and Israel that have caused this crisis.

Even if the EU would now close its borders, it cannot escape its moral responsibility that the EU’s de facto military arm NATO has caused. The “defense organization” NATO will, for all time, be chained to the pillory for its headless actions; especially the ones during the last 20 years.

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