Nazi minister and judges, and US Zionist donors, face major lawsuit over child trafficking


Marianne Azizi writes:

A major civil lawsuit was filed this week against a host of Israeli judges, American organisations and an Israeli minister.
Welfare and Social Services Minister Haim Katz, judges Yitzhak Amit, Tova Peri and Galit Mor Vigotski, Zionist financier Lynn Schusterman, the World International Zionist Organisation (WIZO), the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) and SOS Children’s Village USA face charges of false solicitation to propel a booming industry of snatching and trafficking children from their natural parents in Israel.
Marygold Collins, 46, a British-Israeli mother of twins, is launching the legal fight following a two-year battle to rescue her girls from the institution holding them.
Two years ago, her eight-year-old twin daughters, Becky and Sylvie, were taken away from her and put into an institution after it was alleged that the children were behind with their learning.
After two agonising years, in which the children talked of abuse, and endless court battles, Mrs Collins took things a step further and launched the legal action.
Thousands of children in Israel are taken from their parents on the basis of flimsy evidence and placed in institutions. They are then subjected to examinations, medication, psychiatric tests and often sexual abuse, making their chance of returning full time to their homes slim.
Time has stood still for the Collins family. Marygold, her mother and brother have been engaged in a surreal nightmare and have been unable to concentrate on anything else.
Countless families face similar circumstances. They find themselves in trauma, unable to work and unable to deal with normal life.
It is hoped that, through the legal action, public attention would be drawn to the US donors who fund cruel systems that remove children from their parents and put them in a living hell.
Mrs Collins said:

This is one of the best days of my life… and we hope the American courts will realise the horrors happening to innocent Israeli parents and children. It can be done, other families here can fight. There is no need to fear. Nothing worse can happen than losing one’s children.

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