Nazi forces arrest 15 Palestinians from different areas of the West Bank

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi occupied West Bank – Nazi occupying forces have launched a sweep of arrests and raids on homes in the occupied West Bank.

According to local sources, the Nazi Gestapo arrested 15 Palestinians, allegedly wanted by him, during a campaign of raids in different parts of the occupied West Bank, while taking the Nazi soldiers arrested for questioning in an unknown area.

Ashraf al-Ajouri from Dheisheh refugee camp south of Bethlehem, Samer al-Ajouri and Bashar Ma’awi from al-Dheisheh camp, Jamal Amer Rawajbeh, Alaa Ali Shuli, Osama Jawad Sawalmeh and Aziz Shuli from Asira al-Shamaliya north of Nablus.

The Nazi Occupation Forces (IOF) carry out daily night arrests of various West Bank governorates, during which Palestinians are arbitrarily detained.

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