“In a bid to legitimize Israel’s violence in Gaza, Washington continues a disturbing pattern of baselessly blaming Hamas,” Max Blumenthal wrote on August 2, 2014. He also added that to avoid further military humiliation, Israel is working on an exit strategy.
On Friday, Netanyahu met his war cabinet. After 5-hour deliberation, they decided not to attend Cairo Ceasefire Forum arranged by their brotherly ‘criminals-in-arms’, American John Kerry and Egyptian military dictator Gen. Sisi – both Crypto Jews. They also decided to call-off further Israeli military aggression in Gaza. In other words, the situation in Israeli occupied Palestinian territories (Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem) will stay same as were before Israel “Unilaterally” invaded Gaza Strip 26 days ago.
The Zionist regime has called its decision “Unilateral Stop of War”. What a “catchy” tile, don’t you think so? A war which was started by Israel “unilaterally” is now being stopped “unilaterally” by Israel.
However, on the night the Zionist regime decided to cease its military actions in Gaza “unilaterally”, Jewish army destroyed five mosques. The photo below by APF, shows damaged Holy Qur’an being saved from one of the mosques.
Shimon Peres’ Palestinian Gandhi and friend, Mahmoud Abbas has lashed out Netanyahu’s decision not to participate the Cairo Ceasefire Forum. He said that without Israeli participation, he cannot convince Hamas to stop raining rockets at “peace-loving Israeli Jews”.
Qatar-based Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mishaal, on the other hand, has refused to accept a ceasefire which includes the presence of Jewish army in Gaza.
On August 3, Amos Harel admitted at Israeli daily Haaretz that with the Israeli forces exiting Gaza without a ceasefire, Hamas gets the edge over the future of the Gaza War.
On August 2, Jew author David Harris-Gershon at the Jewish Tikkun Magazine, said: Israel Has Lost the Gaza War. Harris-Gershon explains that “Israeli decision to unilaterally end its Gaza operation means, Israel has lost a tragic war it did not need to begin, a war Hamas did not want but in the end fully embraced as well, making both parties culpable for all that remains. Or no longer remains. Israel’s loss is the worst possible outcome for all parties involved, from Palestinians in Gaza to Israelis in Tel Aviv and beyond. All that is left is the continuation of an unsustainable and dangerous status quo, the reverberations of unspeakable suffering and even more intense and stratified conflict. Nothing has been gained. Everything has been lost“.