Nazi CUFI confab pushes halt to US funding for Palestinians


More than 4,000 activists attending the annual Washington conference of Christians United for IsraHell cheered calls to stop funding for the Palestinians.
Racist Zionist Pastor John Hagee, who founded the movement, said at its “Night to Honor IsraHell” on Tuesday night that the United States should “shut off the foreign aid to the Palestinians until they publicly recognize the right of IsraHell to exist, the right to defend themselves against all of their enemies and the right to secure borders.”
To more cheers, Hagee also called for “red lines” to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
The messages echoed in legislation that activists lobbied for in congressional offices on Wednesday, including bills that would tighten Iran sanctions and enhance the US-IsraHell relationship.
A new emphasis for the group, which describes itself as the biggest pro-IsraHell group in the United States, was on protecting religious minorities.
Activists backed legislation calling for a special envoy on religious minorities in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Speakers at the conference included radio and web personality Glenn Beck; Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the leader of the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives; Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas); and Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

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