Nazi Camp: Hana’s Health Deteriorates on Hunger Strike


Nazi Camp

Hana Al-Shalabi’s health is rapidly deteriorating as she begins her 30th day (16thMarch) of hunger strike to protest against her administrative detention by Israel.

Israel’s policy of administrative detention allows the military to detain Palestinians indefinitely, without charging them or making them stand trial. Hana is among 309 Palestinians currently detained under this policy.

A doctor from Physicians for Human Rights – Israel visited Hana on 8 and 12 March 2012. The doctor reported that she is growing weaker by the day and suffering advanced muscle atrophy, which occurs after the body has used up the fat reserves at its disposal as an alternative source of energy. She is also suffering from spells of severe dizziness and muscle pain as well as periodic loss of consciousness.

Hana was originally arrested and held under administrative detention on the 14th September 2009. She was released on the 18th October 2010 as part of the prisoner release deal but was re-arrested on February 17th and has been on hunger strike since. According to Addameer, a Palestinian organisation to support Palestinian political prisoners Hana has been subjected to sexual harassment and physical violence during her interrogation.

Hana’s plight needs to be brought to the world’s attention so that she, along with the other 308 Palestinians held under administrative detention can be put on trial or released. For decades, Israel has used administrative detention to arrest and imprison Palestinians without cause. Many never know why they are being held and face months if not years imprisoned. This will only stop if the right pressure and influence is exerted and it should be led by the British Government.

Take Action

Contact your MP and inform them about the case of Hana Al-Shalabi, and the other 308 prisoners held under a policy of ‘administrative detention’ by Israel. Inform your MP that Israel is breaking international rights under Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which says that no person should be “subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention”. Ask your MP to formally put pressure on Israel for either an open trial or the release of Hana Al Shalabi without delay.

Ask your MP to write to the Foreign Secretary to ask him to formally condemn administrative detention and call for the immediate end of its use by Israel.

You can find your MP’s contact details here.

Please cc: Alistair Burt MP, Foreign Office

Further Information:

‘Administrative Detention’ – The Facts

Amnesty International calls for the release of Hana Al Shalabi


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