Nazi breaks into al-Aqsa Mosque, student, guard detained

Nazi forces broke into Al-Aqsa Mosque Tuesday moring to secure the entrance for tens of Nazi RACIST  settlers who walked along the south and east parts of the mosque amid high tension and anger of the Muslim prayers.
“134 settlers, 100 of them were university students broke into Al-Aqsa mosque after Nazi forces  siezed the mosque’s guards inside, to secure the settlers”, Mahmoud Abu Atta, Media Chief of al-Aqsa Socity of Heritage and Waqf said.
Abu al-Atta said in an interview with “ALRAY”,

 "The occupation forces arrested Husam al-Amel, a worker at the society, and prevented him entering al-Aqsa compound  for 3 days, while they jailed one of the Qur'an's students inside the mosque and led him to unknown place"
"The occupation forces banned student Abdullah Abu Baker from entering al-Aqsa for 6 months," added Abu Atta.

Nazi escalation accompanied with the Nazi settlers’ plan and strong intention to break into al-Aqsa mosque and raise the RACIST Talmudic  Candelabra upon the Dome of the Rock and perform their  dirty rituals in al-Buraq area.

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