Nazi army demolishes 24 Palestinian buildings in less than 2 months

This picture, taken on July 22, 2019, shows Israeli forces tearing down a Palestinian building under construction in the West Bank village of Dar Salah, adjacent to the Sur Baher area, which straddles the West Bank and Jerusalem al-Quds. (By AFP)
This picture, taken on July 22, 2019, shows Israeli forces tearing down a Palestinian building under construction in the West Bank village of Dar Salah, adjacent to the Sur Baher area, which straddles the West Bank and Jerusalem al-Quds. (By AFP)

The United Nations (UN) says the Israeli regime has demolished two dozen Palestinian buildings and structures across the occupied West Bank in less than two months.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a new report, excerpts of which were carried by Palestinian Information Center on Sunday, that Israeli authorities demolished 24 Palestinian buildings and structures across the occupied region between July 30 and August 19.

The OCHA said that the recent demolitions displaced nine people and affected at least 80 other Palestinians, adding that the number of people displaced by such demolitions had amounted to at least 480 people so far this year, more than the 472 Palestinians displaced in the entire 2018.

According to the report, within the reported period, 10 buildings were demolished in East Jerusalem al-Quds, and the remaining demolitions were carried out in four communities in the so-called Area C.

It said 13 of the demolished structures in Area C were being used for humanitarian purposes, including seven located in a herding community in the northern Jordan Valley.

Area C, which is under full Israeli control, makes up more than 60 percent of the entire occupied West Bank. Eighty eight percent of the area lies in the strategic Jordan Valley, which comprises a third of the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli authorities frequently demolish Palestinian buildings and residences in Area C, with Bedouin and herding communities being particularly vulnerable to that practice.

PressTV-‘Israeli demolitions aimed at killing Palestinian cause’

PressTV-‘Israeli demolitions aimed at killing Palestinian cause’The Lebanese foreign minister says the recent demolition of Palestinian homes is part of the Israeli regime’s policy to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

Elsewhere in the report, the OCHA said Israeli authorities conducted a total of 178 search and arrest operations in the villages and towns of the West Bank during the period.

At least 190 Palestinians were arrested during those operations, it added.

During the same period, Israeli forces also wounded a total of 173 Palestinians in numerous clashes across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem al-Quds, the report said, adding that 67 cases of injuries — some 40 percent — occurred in clashes that erupted after a group of Israeli settlers attempted to enter the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem al-Quds on August 11.   

The OCHA also said around 268 Palestinians, including 97 children, sustained wounds during the same period after Israeli troops attacked them during the March of Return rallies in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Sixty two of the wounded were shot with live ammunition, it said.

PressTV-Nearly 130 Palestinians wounded by Israeli fire in Gaza

PressTV-Nearly 130 Palestinians wounded by Israeli fire in GazaIsraeli forces attack Palestinian protesters gathering at the fence between Gaza and the occupied territories, injuring nearly 130 people.

At least 305 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces ever since the anti-occupation protest rallies began in the Gaza Strip on March 30, 2018. Over 18,000 Palestinians have also sustained injuries.

Back in March, a report by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) revealed that the Israeli regime had until then occupied more than 85 percent — some 27,000 square kilometers — of the historical territories of Palestine in an expropriation process that continues unabated.

Palestinians want the West Bank as part of their future independent state with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital.

Israeli-Palestinian talks have stalled since 2014 mainly over the Tel Aviv regime’s continued settlement expansion on Palestinian territories.

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