Native genocide

This is a long old story and people have grown used to taking it for a universal rule and a historical principle and that nations who need more wealth should embark on a mission to invade other nations , kill their people after subduing them by whatever means , kill their religion and culture ,sack them and confiscate their resources and wealth and eventually even turn them into slaves or leave them to starve and develop sickness and die and – after that -enjoy with other westerners the riches- thus acquired -in terms of cars and facilities and medical care and fashion and items and tools and utensils and entertainments of all sorts . All this the west thought well deserved due to Darwinism and to a religion bereft of Spirit .
Even though practiced continuously since Columbus this pattern of behavior is not a universal rule and could not and should not become one . This is rather a great anomaly and distortion of the rules and of the principle o
f brotherhood and human solidarity that is a human condition as well. There are signs that this policy of invasion and occupation of countries , of theft and subjugation and extermination of people , and confiscation of wealth is drawing to its end . There are countries and people who refuse to be drawn into this bloody whirlpool started by Master Columbus and get drowned in it , countries who are no more willing to follow or cater to or accept or even watch silently big nations feasting on poor nations like a shark would feast on small fishes . These nations and people are simply saying :No we are not going for another American Native genocide , or another Palestine, or Vietnam , or Iraq, or Libya, or Syria , and we are not going to sit and watch silently the big shark feasting on weak creatures , we will rather try not to let this happen anymore .
Countries like Cuba and Venezuela and Iran have since long taken this position , countries like India and China have taken it occasionally , countries like Russia have rarely taken it . They are all now gathered as one and checking the appetite of the insatiable monster of Europe and USA and its allies Turkey , Israel and Arab Muslim Zionists in order to save at least what remains of nations unharmed .There is no cure for the Ugly Monster ….Long Live the solidarity among nations !
The Islamic Republic of Iran has organized a conference held yesterday in Teheran that groups all countries and organizations…

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