Jonathan Cook reports that at a demonstration yesterday when right-wing fascists marched through the Galilee town of Umm el-Fahm, Israeli riot police shot rubber bullets at Haneen Zoabi. Calling the bullets “rubber” can be misleading. A “rubber” bullet nearly blinded Matan Cohen. “Rubber” bullets regularly kill people when they impact the head, because of their concussive force. Zoabi reported that police snipers deliberately targeted her, aiming for her neck and back as she sought cover.

That is not a joke; it’s theoretically an assassination attempt against one of the most articulate, composed, and compelling Palestinian leaders in ’48. Nor would it be a novelty: Israeli security forces during the First Intifada regularly sought to decapitate the leadership, assassinating Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir in Tunis, repeatedly arresting the heads of the Unified National Leadership. Why Zoabi?

Because she can’t be jailed arbitrarily, and aware of what happened to Azmi Bishara, she won’t slip up (in a context in which slipping up means exercising her rights as an MK in a racist state). It will cause immense uproar to strip her of citizenship, and doing so could probably only occur in the context of a general purge. And why else?

She says things like this: “We do not want to throw Jews into the sea. We are not against Jews. We are against Israeli policies and the definition of Israel as a Jewish state…I have a vision of our rights as indigenous people. We didn’t migrate to Israel; it is Israel that migrated to us.” What will they do if this woman’s views get circulated in the American press?

Technorati Tags: Azmi Bishara, First Intifada, Gaza, Haneen Zoabi, Palestine, Zionism

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