More than 50 detainees updated on a massive campaign in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Occupied West Bank : Nazi occupation forces launcheddawn on Mondaymassive campaignarrestsconcentrated intownsIsawiya and Silwan in occupied Jerusalem,addition to areas in Bethlehem, Qalqilya, SalfitJenin, Hebron and Ramallah inoccupied West Bank.

Nazi forces raided the town of Issawiya with a large number of soldiers and deployed in several neighborhoods. Among those arrested were Mohammed Abdullah Dari, his brother Mahmoud Abdullah Dari, Zia Ayman Obeid, Mohammed Fawzi Obeid, Sufian Nasser Mahmoud, and his two brothers Mohammed and Akram Nasser Mahmoud, Haroun Mohammed Muheisen, Wasim Iyad Dari, Zaid Ajlouni, Ali Jamal Badr, Bassel Mohammad Darbas, his brother Qusay Mohammad Darbas, Samir Akram Attia, Waseem Nayef Obaid, Rashad Amjad Nasser, Hamza Mohammed Issa Nasser, and his brother Issa Mohammed Issa Nasser, Mahmoud Jamal Attia , And Muhammad Rajab Obaid.

According to the Wadi Hilweh Information Center, Nazi illegal occupation forces, accompanied by their intelligence, stormed the neighborhood of Ain al-Lawza in Silwan and arrested the two young men Tawfiq Abu Tayeh and Majdi Abu Tayeh

In the occupied West Bank, the Nazi illegal occupation forces arrested 4 Palestinians, including the mother of a prisoner, and a number of Palestinians were suffocated by tear gas canisters.

The Nazi illegal occupation forces arrested the mother of Yazan Maghames, a student at Birzeit University, and Basil Felian, from the village of Barham, north of the city.

The Nazi illegal occupation forces arrested the director of Bisan Center for Research and Development, the captured prisoner, confessing Bagus Rimawi, during the storming of the city of Ramallah.

In Bethlehem, the Israeli occupation forces arrested three young men during the raid into Dheisheh refugee camp, south of the city.

In Qalqilya, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Azzun and arrested the liberated prisoner Uday Hamza Hussein (29 years) and the young Kazem Mufid Radwan (26 years) from the town of Azzoun east of the city.

The Nazi illegal occupation forces summoned the parents of the captive Mais Abu Ghosh, detained since August 29, to review their intelligence in Ofer detention center, west of Ramallah. In Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit, Israeli forces arrested Hazem Zaher Assi and Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Rayyan after they raided their houses in the town.

Nazi forces also raided several neighborhoods in the occupied city of Hebron. They arrested Rami Mohammed Khaled Abdel-Razzaq Al-Awwi, 30, and Nizar Mohammed Ra’fat Rashad Sidr, 36, after raiding their homes.

In Jenin, the Israeli occupation forces arrested five young men during the storming of the camp. According to local sources, Thaer al-Sweiti, Oqab al-Sweiti, Tariq Abu Tabikh, Mohammed Nassar and Amin al-Nasharti were arrested.

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