Mondoweiss Online Newsletter



New White House page on Israel’s security says nothing about settlements or occupation, but tons about Iran, Goldstone, slaughter of innocent Israelis, delegitimization

Jun 04, 2011

Philip Weiss

The Obama White House has unfurled a new web-page, it’s called “Advancing Israel’s Security and Supporting Peace.” It’s obviously geared toward appeasing the lobby. There is one reference to the status quo being “unsustainable,” but all references to Palestinians are calls on them to advance peace and staunch terrorism. Most of the site is about Israel’s security. Iran has a whole section. The word “settlements” is not mentioned. 1967 is mentioned.

“[T]he parties themselves will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967 to account for the changes that have taken place over the last 44 years…”

Goldstone’s scalp is brandished; we did this for you. There’s a section about the U.S. opposing the delegitimization of Israel. There are warnings about the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation and implicitly against the Palestinian statehood initiative. A lot of fearmongering:

He has made clear that “it is a sign neither of courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus.  That’s not how moral authority is claimed; that’s how it is surrendered.”  At the United Nations, he emphasized that “the slaughter of innocent Israelis is not resistance — it’s injustice.”

Obama used the word occupation in his June. 2009 Cairo speech and spoke of “humiliations” experienced by Palestinians. No more. He also said:

The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.  (Applause.)  This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace.  It is time for these settlements to stop. (Applause)

So much for the applause. The U.S. is making itself irrelevant. The center does not hold. (thanks to Ali Gharib and Jeff Blankfort)

Another video from that terrifying White-shirt rally on June 1 in occupied Jerusalem

Jun 04, 2011

Philip Weiss

A couple of times in the last few years I’ve heard stories of Palestinians who say they trembled in fear when they saw someone wearing a yarmulke. Because their entire experience of people wearing yarmulkes was, intimidation, violence. In the two stories I remember, these Palestinians overcame their fear when they understood that there were good Jews too, that not all people with yarmulkes wanted to hurt them, or used that power.

Oh but what Palestinian would not be frightened by these boys with their yarmulkes at the Reunified Jerusalem rally in Occupied East Jerusalem on June 1? And the nutty religious woman saying the land of Israel belongs to the Jews, and you better repent. Repent, repent, I wonder what they meant.

One thought on “Mondoweiss Online Newsletter

  1. netanyahu himself said how worrying the goldstone report was. I guess it was a slap in the face to israel that a zionist himself announced it’s crimes. nice article.

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