In an unprecedented move, the spokesperson of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK and NCRI) threatened terrorist attacks against Iranian and Iraqi officials. |
According to a report by Habilian Association, the comments came as the terrorist MKO group suffered a blow on September 1, when a group of Iraqi people and relatives of those who were killed at the hands of the MKO in 1991 attacked the notorious Camp Ashraf, killing some 50 members of the group, including top commanders.
Posted on the website of the grouplet late last week, the spokesperson of the terrorist MKO group threatened that Iranian officials will face the same fate martyrs Lajevardi, Sayyad Shirazi, Ayatollah Dastgheib, Madani, Ashrafi Isfahani, and Hasheminejad, all of them assassinated by the terrorist MKO Organization.
Seyed Asadollah Lajevardi and Sayyad Shirazi were assassinated by MKO members in late 1990s and Ayatollahs Dastgheib, Madani, Ashrafi Esfahani, and Hasheminejad were all victims of MKO’s suicide operations during the 1980s.
It appears that the MKO’s audacity to officially threatening the Iranian authorities is in most part due to the US supports for the terrorist group.