Millions Gather in Syria’s Squares to Express Condemnation of Arab League Decisions and Reject Foreign Interference


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Sana News Agency
Millions of Syrians flooded the squares of Syrian cities and towns on Monday, gathering in Damascus, Aleppo, Hasaka, Deri Ezzor, Raqqa, Sweida and Tartous to proclaim their rejection of the Arab League’s conspiring decisions against Syria, pledging to protect Syria at any cost.
Huge masses flocked to Saba Bahrat Square in Damascus and Saadallah al-Jabri Square in Aleppo in condemnation of the Arab League  decisions and in rejection of the foreign interference.
The participants in the rallies stressed adherence to the national unity and independent national decision-making.
Similar rallies took place in Saadallah al-Jaberi square in Aleppo city, al-Barid Square in Tartous city, al-Qutayfeh in Damascus Countryside, Shahba in Sweida, the President Square in Raqqa, and al-Mesherfeh town in Homs countryside, with the participants voicing their condemnation of the Arab League decisions against the Syrian people and their rejection of the foreign interference.
The participants pointed out that Syrians became aware of the conspiracy since its beginning, realizing that this conspiracy targeted the entire Arab nation as well as Syria and was disguised as calls for reform and democracy, prompting Syrians to wonder how can those who claim to advocate democracy in Syria make such claims while they themselves subverted human rights to benefit themselves and keep their people out of the scene, all while the Syrian people are deciding their fate in plain view of the whole world.
The participants said that everyone must chose Syria today since it is currently facing the most violent conspiracy in its history, a conspiracy involving Arab and international sides, affirming that Syrians are prepared to wage this battle and emerge victorious.
They also noted that the Syrians’ rallying around their leadership and their creativity in finding solutions and launching national initiatives protected Syria’s independent decision-making and confused the conspirators.
In Damascus city, Saba Bahrat Square was packed with crowds who chanted national slogans, calling for national unity and stressing their rejection of the Arab League decisions and foreign interference in the internal affairs of Syria.
Participants in the march vowed loyalty to the homeland and promised to continue their struggle and step forward to protect Syria, appreciating the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army.
In Aleppo city, huge crowds of people flocked to Saad Allah al-Jaberi Square to say that Syria will remain strong, waving the Syrian flag in an expression of loyalty to the homeland.
Participants in the march denounced the Arab League decisions against Syria, stressing that Syria will remain immune to imperialist countries and Zionism which have been endeavoring for several years to destroy the resistance of Syria.
In Tartous city, crowds flocked to the Square of Tartous Municipality to express their condemnation of the Arab League decisions against Syria and their resolve to defend their country and the nationalist role of Syria.
Participants affirmed that the Syrian people can overcome the conspiracy, by virtue of the people’s awareness and rallying around the Syrian leadership and commitment to the national unity, calling on all Syrian people to work hand in hand to protect Syria and preserve its sovereignty.
In Der Ezzor city, a mass rally was held at the Saba Bahrat Square to express commitment to destroy all conspiracies hatched against Syria.
Participants in the rally said the Arab League decisions address the Syrian citizens directly because the Syrian people defend the Syrian stances which support resistance and reject foreign dictations.
In al-Hasaka city, huge crowds flocked to the President Square to reject foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs and the Arab League decisions against Syria.
Participants said that the history of the Arab world is nowadays chronicling the bravest epic of struggle between the countries which support the Arab rights and resistance with Syria on top, and the blood traders and neo-colonialists who claim to be Arabs.
In Homs city, thousands of people flocked to the main square of al-Mishrfeh town to convey a message to the world expressing the unity of the Syrian people adding that no one can make them bow to foreign dictations or abandon the national and patriotic stances.
Participants condemned the Arab League decisions against Syria, pointing out that the Syrian people stand by the Syrian leadership and that “Syria will remain the homeland of steadfastness  at whose borders all conspiracies are destroyed”.
In the city of al-Shahbaa in Sweida province, grandchildren of Sultan Basha al-Atrash waved the Syrian flag and photos of President Bashar al-Assad stressing that the “homeland whose sons are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect its sovereignty will remain immune to all conspiracies”.
Al-Shahbaa people stressed their rejection of the economic sanctions imposed recently by the Arab League on Syria considering them as “void by all standards”.
In al-Quneitera city, thousands of people gathered at Khan Arnabeh Square to express their condemnation of the Arab League decisions and their rejection of foreign interference.
Al-Quneitera people held the Arab League responsible for each and every drop of blood spilled on the Syrian soil as a result of media misleading and foreign conspiracies.
They also stressed their rallying around the leadership of Syria and their support to the reform process commenced by President al-Assad.

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