Mexico COVID-19: UN Calls for Equitable Access to Vaccines

A person in a wheelchair asks for coins on the streets this Monday, one month after the mandatory quarantine for the COVID-19 virus, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. April 20, 2020.

The UN approved a resolution to ensure that essential inputs are distributed in a fair manner.

A resolution adopted on Monday by the United Nations General Assembly seeks to ensure equal access to vaccines, medicines and medical equipment in the fight against COVID-19.

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The Government of Mexico submitted resolution 74/247 with the aim of ensuring that the essential inputs in the battle against the new coronavirus are distributed in a fair and equitable manner.

The 193 member countries of the UN ratified the resolution, proposed by Mexico president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, before the Extraordinary SuMmmit of G20 Leaders, held on March 26. 

The resolution is called Strengthening International Scientific Cooperation to Combat Covid-19 and Intensifying Coordination.

Misión de México ONU@MexOnu


The world came together”virtually” tonight by adopting resolution 74/247 to ensure global access to medicines, vaccines and medical equipment to deal with COVID-19. It has been an honor for Mexico to lead this effort along with 179 co-sponsoring countries #UNitedAgainstCOVID19

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3513:28 AM – Apr 21, 2020 · Manhattan, NYTwitter Ads info and privacy204 people are talking about this

The legal document encourages member countries to increase funding for vaccine research.

It also calls for an end to speculation, and to stop hiding or limiting access to products that are essential to contain the pandemic.

“This is a historic resolution,” Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said recently on his Twitter account.

He also congratulated “Ambassador Juan Ramon de la Fuente and the Mexican mission to the UN.

For Mexico, resolution 74/247 is the most voted resoluti

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