Hostile Environment III: Failure In Egypt
“From the Nile to the Euphrates.” Iraq and Egypt are forever linked through the delusional, Talmudic dream of ‘Greater Israel,’ the pinnacle and ultimate goal of international Zionism. A Zionist utopia devoid of democracy, freedom and reality. The destabilization of Egypt has been laid out in detail by Oded Yinon, former senior Israeli foreign policy advisor, in the same document laying out the blueprints for the annihilation and annexation of Iraq. Similar to the ‘sectarian’ plan for Iraq, Israel wants to crack Egypt in half, splitting Muslims, Christians and other ethno-religious minorities into ‘distinct geographical regions.’
On New Years Day, a massive explosion claimed the lives of 25 Coptic Christians at al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria, Egypt. At least 97 others were wounded, including several Muslims. While the regime of the Zionist dictator Hosni Mubarak attempted to blame the attack on a suicide bomber belonging to the fictional monolith known as Al-Qaeda, this lie collapsed when it was uncovered the weapon used in the murderous operation was a car bomb, validating Mossad’s signature in the ‘sectarian’ attack. Mubarak’s infamous (and
savage) security forces collaborated with the Zionist entity in the bloodshed, withdrawing from al-Qiddissin only an hour before the car bomb exploded, granting Israeli operatives the opportune time needed to plant the explosives and vanish (54).
Staying true to the Dragon Policy, the official line from the Israeli-owned Mubarak regime now blames an enemy of the Zionist entity for the bombing, the Army of Islam, a Palestinian Resistance movement in illegally besieged Gaza. The Interior Ministry cited “conclusive evidence (55),” which obviously, doesn’t exist.
The origin point of this barbarity is on display for the entire world to see; an event that isn’t only shaking the Arab world to its roots, but the globe itself: The Egyptian Revolution. The Zionist entity attempted to drum up enough sectarianism to incite a communal war in Egypt, quelling the possibility of this historic movement of people power. The false flag bombing was designed to salvage the waning Israeli stranglehold on Egypt, and strike back at Egyptians for uncovering another of its infamous spy rings (56) while ensuring a media blackout on the Mubarak regime robbing the Muslim Brotherhood in the latest round of parliamentary elections (57). This backfired completely, unifying the Egyptian people instead; to a degree that superceded the worst nightmare of the most abysmally hawkish Zionist.
After the bombing, Muslim and Christian leaders met in friendship, and stood together in a powerful display of understanding and solidarity (58), reaffirming the warmness and harmony that the two communities have always had (59). The solidarity deepened six
days after Mossad’s sanguinary false flag attack, when thousands of Muslims joined their Christian brothers for Christmas Mass, offering themselves as human shields to protect their fellow Egyptians (60). This precious unity, transcended solidarity and transformed into an unbreakable, unshakable armor when the Revolution began on January 25th, the “Day of Rage.” Invoking the Zionist entity’s darkest fears, Muslims and Christians have marched through the streets together from the very beginning, chanting “We are all Egyptians (61)!”
The usurping supremacist entity has admitted that a revolution in Egypt would be a “loss” for its Zionist empire of colonialist expansionism (62). Benjamin Netanyahu, the war criminal and mass murderer, exhibited his typical racism but with an underlying hint of fear, “We believe Egypt is going to overcome the current wave of demonstrations, but we have to look to the future. Having said that, I’m not sure the time is right for the Arab region to go through the democratic process (63).” So says the illegitimate entity that calls itself ‘the only democracy in the Middle East.’ Zionism’s feelings of cynicism and apprehension are based on the idea that a revolutionary leadership would cut it off from gas supplies that Israel has secured from collaborators in Egypt for over 30 years, as well as damage a massive $10-billion deal that Zionist firms signed with Mubarak in December of 2010 (64).
Former director of Shin Bet and war criminal Avi Dichter issued an enormously disturbing speech on May 26th, 2010 to the Israeli National Security Research Center, arrogantly pinpointing Zionist successes in occupied Iraq. However, the iniquitous offering did
briefly touch on Egypt. The following excerpt is essential to understanding the efforts being pursued by the Zionist entity and its lapdogs within the US government to crush the Egyptian Revolution, “Weakening and isolating Iraq is no less important than weakening and isolating (neutralizing) Egypt. Weakening and isolating (neutralizing) Egypt has been done by diplomatic methods while everything has been done to achieve a complete and comprehensive isolation of Iraq (65).”
The Zionist regime made one last ditch attempt to resurrect and subsequently sustain its fission field warfare in Egypt, sending three planes full of illegal gas to Mina International Airport in Cairo to be used by Mubarak’s security forces on unarmed protesters (66). An Israeli minister told Egypt to “exercise force, power in the street” to demolish the uprising and restore the old order that adheres to Zionism (67). Mubarak obliged with an ‘exercising of force,’ deploying his brutal secret police into the street in plain clothes, ordering them to pose as ‘pro-government’ protesters. They attacked the unarmed revolutionary demonstrators with meat cleavers, fire bombs, knives, chains and clubs (68), saving the Israeli-delivered weapons for a ‘final showdown’ of sorts. Since the beginning of the Revolution, at least 300 protesters have been murdered (69), and over 5,000 other protesters have been wounded, many of them critically (70).
Egyptians haven’t been discouraged in the slightest by the Zionist Mubarak regime’s brutality. Millions have taken to the streets on several occasions since the Revolution began nearly two weeks ago. Realizing this, the Israeli occupiership set aside its fission field warfare goals and directed its attention towards Avi Dichter’s May 2010 speech, invoking the political wing of the Fracture Theory of Zion (FTZ) to put the people’s Revolution to sleep once and for all.
Firstly, the Zionist entity and its vast globalist network sought to penetrate the opposition. Enter ‘opposition figure’ Mohamed ElBaradei, hated across the region for ‘warmly’ shaking hands with multiple Israeli war criminals and relentlessly promoted by corporate Arab media heavyweights Al Jazeera and Al-Arabiya (71). ElBaradei is being presented as a man with an immense amount of credibility because he ‘slammed’ the West for presenting exaggerated reports about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program (72), while calling the illegal Israeli nuclear arsenal the ‘greatest threat to the region (73).’ However, ElBaradei has also gone on the record to state that, ‘My gut feeling is that Iran definitely would like to have the technology that would enable it to have nuclear weapons if they decided to do so (74),” giving credence to the Zionist narrative which has spread en masse for nearly a decade.
Despite his harsh rhetoric towards the Zionist entity’s nukes, it must be treated as just that: rhetoric. ElBaradei has attacked Hamas, the Palestinian Resistance movement in occupied Gaza, as ‘radical (75),’ and is also a supporter of the apartheid two-state solution based on the ‘1967-borders (76),’ a full blown endorsement of the Zionist ethnic cleansing operation known as al-Nakba. ElBaradei has also said that a democratic Egypt becoming anti-Israel or anti-US in its foreign policy was nothing but “hype and fiction (77).”
This in and of itself is a contradiction of what the Egyptian people want. The revolutionaries
have staged mock hangings of Mubarak dolls with an Israeli six-pointed star drawn on its chest (78), written graffiti on US corporate establishments that label Mubarak as a US client (79), displayed posters of Mubarak with Israeli stars all over his face (80) and in a moment of true historical precedent, forced the Zionist entity to take down its flag at the Israeli embassy in Cairo and evacuate all of its staff (81). Egyptians have absolutely had enough of Mubarak’s kowtowing to Zionism’s every whim, whether the orders are barked from occupied Palestine or the Israeli Lobby’s stomping grounds in Washington D.C. Mubarak is a wolf. ElBaradei is a wolf in blue-and-white sheep’s clothing.
Due to his “critical remarks” about the Zionist entity and his “support” for Iran, Zionist war criminal Phillip Zelikow, the man responsible for covering up Mossad’s false flag attack on 9/11 with the absurd ‘9/11 Commission Report (82),’ suggested that the US should support ElBaradei by pretending that it doesn’t like him (83). Why has ElBaradei been chosen over any other collaborator on the long list of collaborators in the possession of Zion and its worldwide network of cronies? Because ElBaradei serves on the board of trustees at the International Crisis Group, a globalist giant funded by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation and internationalist Zionist criminal George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Soros, along with global power broker Zbigniew Brzezinski also sit on the board (84). The International Crisis Group was founded by Morton I. Abramowitz, PNAC member, CFR member and ardent Zionist (85).
While Tel Aviv’s agents attempted to manipulate the people from the shadows, it demanded from its ‘allies’ in the United States and European Union to tone down the anti-Mubarak rhetoric and support the dictator (86). The Zionist-owned Obama administration followed suit, offering its full support to a ‘transitional’ government led by Omar Suleiman, whom Hosni Mubarak appointed Vice President of Egypt (87). What Israel wants is a ‘Mubarakite’ Egypt, even without Mubarak. Suleiman serves this agenda gratuitously. He vehemently despises the Palestinian Resistance in occupied Gaza and has close ties to Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman. Suleiman is also a good friend of ex-Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit, and they routinely talk via phone about their children and grandchildren (88). How pathetically and disgustingly touching.
Suleiman is the chief Egyptian collaborator in assisting the Zionist entity with its crippling siege against Gaza, and has been personally thanked by genocidal Zionist madman Avigdor Lieberman for his treason (89). And arguably the most notable part of Suleiman’s lengthy and brutal collaborationist resume: his senior role in the CIA’s exceptionally illegal Rendition program, which under his watch, left dozens of innocent Muslim men tortured and psychologically ruined (90). Torture hasn’t stopped since the Revolution commenced either, as police under the direct orders of Suleiman and new Interior Minister Mahmoud Wagdy, former head of the Egyptian Prison Authority (91), have engaged in repeated acts of barbarity against protesters (92). The revolutionaries of Egypt mustn’t lose; an Egypt controlled by Zionist war criminal Omar Suleiman would be aeons worse than an Egypt controlled by Mubarak.
Due to their dignity and their steadfastness, Egyptians overcame Israel’s fission field warfare and left it in a heap of failure. They are now fighting the Fracture Theory of Zion head on, and as millions continue to pour into the streets daily (93), they are overcoming it as well. While the Zionist criminal network maneuvers in the open and in the shadows to politically influence the ‘game-changing’ events in Egypt, Egyptians themselves reject a future controlled by foreign interests and continue to unleash their ire at the illegitimate Israeli entity and the Zionist-owned US government (94). Racist war criminal MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who has a close friendship with Hosni Mubarak has gravely insulted the Egyptian people by stating, “I don’t think it is possible for there to be a revolution in Egypt (95).” The Egyptian people are proving him, and every other Zionist and Mubarak supporter wrong at this very moment: a revolution in Egypt isn’t only possible. It’s happening.
To read part II click HERE.
Hostile Environment III: Failure In Egypt
“From the Nile to the Euphrates.” Iraq and Egypt are forever linked through the delusional, Talmudic dream of ‘Greater Israel,’ the pinnacle and ultimate goal of international Zionism. A Zionist utopia devoid of democracy, freedom and reality. The destabilization of Egypt has been laid out in detail by Oded Yinon, former senior Israeli foreign policy advisor, in the same document laying out the blueprints for the annihilation and annexation of Iraq. Similar to the ‘sectarian’ plan for Iraq, Israel wants to crack Egypt in half, splitting Muslims, Christians and other ethno-religious minorities into ‘distinct geographical regions.’
On New Years Day, a massive explosion claimed the lives of 25 Coptic Christians at al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria, Egypt. At least 97 others were wounded, including several Muslims. While the regime of the Zionist dictator Hosni Mubarak attempted to blame the attack on a suicide bomber belonging to the fictional monolith known as Al-Qaeda, this lie collapsed when it was uncovered the weapon used in the murderous operation was a car bomb, validating Mossad’s signature in the ‘sectarian’ attack. Mubarak’s infamous (and
savage) security forces collaborated with the Zionist entity in the bloodshed, withdrawing from al-Qiddissin only an hour before the car bomb exploded, granting Israeli operatives the opportune time needed to plant the explosives and vanish (54).
Staying true to the Dragon Policy, the official line from the Israeli-owned Mubarak regime now blames an enemy of the Zionist entity for the bombing, the Army of Islam, a Palestinian Resistance movement in illegally besieged Gaza. The Interior Ministry cited “conclusive evidence (55),” which obviously, doesn’t exist.
The origin point of this barbarity is on display for the entire world to see; an event that isn’t only shaking the Arab world to its roots, but the globe itself: The Egyptian Revolution. The Zionist entity attempted to drum up enough sectarianism to incite a communal war in Egypt, quelling the possibility of this historic movement of people power. The false flag bombing was designed to salvage the waning Israeli stranglehold on Egypt, and strike back at Egyptians for uncovering another of its infamous spy rings (56) while ensuring a media blackout on the Mubarak regime robbing the Muslim Brotherhood in the latest round of parliamentary elections (57). This backfired completely, unifying the Egyptian people instead; to a degree that superceded the worst nightmare of the most abysmally hawkish Zionist.
After the bombing, Muslim and Christian leaders met in friendship, and stood together in a powerful display of understanding and solidarity (58), reaffirming the warmness and harmony that the two communities have always had (59). The solidarity deepened six
days after Mossad’s sanguinary false flag attack, when thousands of Muslims joined their Christian brothers for Christmas Mass, offering themselves as human shields to protect their fellow Egyptians (60). This precious unity, transcended solidarity and transformed into an unbreakable, unshakable armor when the Revolution began on January 25th, the “Day of Rage.” Invoking the Zionist entity’s darkest fears, Muslims and Christians have marched through the streets together from the very beginning, chanting “We are all Egyptians (61)!”
The usurping supremacist entity has admitted that a revolution in Egypt would be a “loss” for its Zionist empire of colonialist expansionism (62). Benjamin Netanyahu, the war criminal and mass murderer, exhibited his typical racism but with an underlying hint of fear, “We believe Egypt is going to overcome the current wave of demonstrations, but we have to look to the future. Having said that, I’m not sure the time is right for the Arab region to go through the democratic process (63).” So says the illegitimate entity that calls itself ‘the only democracy in the Middle East.’ Zionism’s feelings of cynicism and apprehension are based on the idea that a revolutionary leadership would cut it off from gas supplies that Israel has secured from collaborators in Egypt for over 30 years, as well as damage a massive $10-billion deal that Zionist firms signed with Mubarak in December of 2010 (64).
Former director of Shin Bet and war criminal Avi Dichter issued an enormously disturbing speech on May 26th, 2010 to the Israeli National Security Research Center, arrogantly pinpointing Zionist successes in occupied Iraq. However, the iniquitous offering did
briefly touch on Egypt. The following excerpt is essential to understanding the efforts being pursued by the Zionist entity and its lapdogs within the US government to crush the Egyptian Revolution, “Weakening and isolating Iraq is no less important than weakening and isolating (neutralizing) Egypt. Weakening and isolating (neutralizing) Egypt has been done by diplomatic methods while everything has been done to achieve a complete and comprehensive isolation of Iraq (65).”
The Zionist regime made one last ditch attempt to resurrect and subsequently sustain its fission field warfare in Egypt, sending three planes full of illegal gas to Mina International Airport in Cairo to be used by Mubarak’s security forces on unarmed protesters (66). An Israeli minister told Egypt to “exercise force, power in the street” to demolish the uprising and restore the old order that adheres to Zionism (67). Mubarak obliged with an ‘exercising of force,’ deploying his brutal secret police into the street in plain clothes, ordering them to pose as ‘pro-government’ protesters. They attacked the unarmed revolutionary demonstrators with meat cleavers, fire bombs, knives, chains and clubs (68), saving the Israeli-delivered weapons for a ‘final showdown’ of sorts. Since the beginning of the Revolution, at least 300 protesters have been murdered (69), and over 5,000 other protesters have been wounded, many of them critically (70).
Egyptians haven’t been discouraged in the slightest by the Zionist Mubarak regime’s brutality. Millions have taken to the streets on several occasions since the Revolution began nearly two weeks ago. Realizing this, the Israeli occupiership set aside its fission field warfare goals and directed its attention towards Avi Dichter’s May 2010 speech, invoking the political wing of the Fracture Theory of Zion (FTZ) to put the people’s Revolution to sleep once and for all.
Firstly, the Zionist entity and its vast globalist network sought to penetrate the opposition. Enter ‘opposition figure’ Mohamed ElBaradei, hated across the region for ‘warmly’ shaking hands with multiple Israeli war criminals and relentlessly promoted by corporate Arab media heavyweights Al Jazeera and Al-Arabiya (71). ElBaradei is being presented as a man with an immense amount of credibility because he ‘slammed’ the West for presenting exaggerated reports about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program (72), while calling the illegal Israeli nuclear arsenal the ‘greatest threat to the region (73).’ However, ElBaradei has also gone on the record to state that, ‘My gut feeling is that Iran definitely would like to have the technology that would enable it to have nuclear weapons if they decided to do so (74),” giving credence to the Zionist narrative which has spread en masse for nearly a decade.
Despite his harsh rhetoric towards the Zionist entity’s nukes, it must be treated as just that: rhetoric. ElBaradei has attacked Hamas, the Palestinian Resistance movement in occupied Gaza, as ‘radical (75),’ and is also a supporter of the apartheid two-state solution based on the ‘1967-borders (76),’ a full blown endorsement of the Zionist ethnic cleansing operation known as al-Nakba. ElBaradei has also said that a democratic Egypt becoming anti-Israel or anti-US in its foreign policy was nothing but “hype and fiction (77).”
This in and of itself is a contradiction of what the Egyptian people want. The revolutionaries
have staged mock hangings of Mubarak dolls with an Israeli six-pointed star drawn on its chest (78), written graffiti on US corporate establishments that label Mubarak as a US client (79), displayed posters of Mubarak with Israeli stars all over his face (80) and in a moment of true historical precedent, forced the Zionist entity to take down its flag at the Israeli embassy in Cairo and evacuate all of its staff (81). Egyptians have absolutely had enough of Mubarak’s kowtowing to Zionism’s every whim, whether the orders are barked from occupied Palestine or the Israeli Lobby’s stomping grounds in Washington D.C. Mubarak is a wolf. ElBaradei is a wolf in blue-and-white sheep’s clothing.
Due to his “critical remarks” about the Zionist entity and his “support” for Iran, Zionist war criminal Phillip Zelikow, the man responsible for covering up Mossad’s false flag attack on 9/11 with the absurd ‘9/11 Commission Report (82),’ suggested that the US should support ElBaradei by pretending that it doesn’t like him (83). Why has ElBaradei been chosen over any other collaborator on the long list of collaborators in the possession of Zion and its worldwide network of cronies? Because ElBaradei serves on the board of trustees at the International Crisis Group, a globalist giant funded by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation and internationalist Zionist criminal George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Soros, along with global power broker Zbigniew Brzezinski also sit on the board (84). The International Crisis Group was founded by Morton I. Abramowitz, PNAC member, CFR member and ardent Zionist (85).
While Tel Aviv’s agents attempted to manipulate the people from the shadows, it demanded from its ‘allies’ in the United States and European Union to tone down the anti-Mubarak rhetoric and support the dictator (86). The Zionist-owned Obama administration followed suit, offering its full support to a ‘transitional’ government led by Omar Suleiman, whom Hosni Mubarak appointed Vice President of Egypt (87). What Israel wants is a ‘Mubarakite’ Egypt, even without Mubarak. Suleiman serves this agenda gratuitously. He vehemently despises the Palestinian Resistance in occupied Gaza and has close ties to Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman. Suleiman is also a good friend of ex-Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit, and they routinely talk via phone about their children and grandchildren (88). How pathetically and disgustingly touching.
Suleiman is the chief Egyptian collaborator in assisting the Zionist entity with its crippling siege against Gaza, and has been personally thanked by genocidal Zionist madman Avigdor Lieberman for his treason (89). And arguably the most notable part of Suleiman’s lengthy and brutal collaborationist resume: his senior role in the CIA’s exceptionally illegal Rendition program, which under his watch, left dozens of innocent Muslim men tortured and psychologically ruined (90). Torture hasn’t stopped since the Revolution commenced either, as police under the direct orders of Suleiman and new Interior Minister Mahmoud Wagdy, former head of the Egyptian Prison Authority (91), have engaged in repeated acts of barbarity against protesters (92). The revolutionaries of Egypt mustn’t lose; an Egypt controlled by Zionist war criminal Omar Suleiman would be aeons worse than an Egypt controlled by Mubarak.
Due to their dignity and their steadfastness, Egyptians overcame Israel’s fission field warfare and left it in a heap of failure. They are now fighting the Fracture Theory of Zion head on, and as millions continue to pour into the streets daily (93), they are overcoming it as well. While the Zionist criminal network maneuvers in the open and in the shadows to politically influence the ‘game-changing’ events in Egypt, Egyptians themselves reject a future controlled by foreign interests and continue to unleash their ire at the illegitimate Israeli entity and the Zionist-owned US government (94). Racist war criminal MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who has a close friendship with Hosni Mubarak has gravely insulted the Egyptian people by stating, “I don’t think it is possible for there to be a revolution in Egypt (95).” The Egyptian people are proving him, and every other Zionist and Mubarak supporter wrong at this very moment: a revolution in Egypt isn’t only possible. It’s happening.
To read part II click HERE.