Syria and the pseudo-radical poseurs of the ‘anti-war’ left

by Mary Rizzo 


I guess they haven’t noticed that it’s the regime waging a war against the Syrian people.

On Syria, the Western ‘anti-war’ left, the Galloways, the Pilgers, the Fisks, their peers and their fans,   are once again embarrassing themselves and humanity and  again proving why there is no longer any significant grassroots working class socialist movement.  While railing – rightly – against Western governments’ infinite hypocrisy and selective support for dictatorship and tyranny as and where expedient, the posturing pseudo-radicals have forgotten about their own equally limitless hypocrisy and equally selective support for dictatorship and tyranny. They have become the exact mirror image of all they claim to despise; affluent, morally selective dinner party revolutionaries who view Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité as passé.  Universal brotherhood has been consigned to the ideological rubbish dump, with brotherhood now selective, reserved only for nominally anti-imperialist totalitarian regimes and the elites that benefit from them. Just like the Western governments they claim to oppose, the pseudo-radicals selectively align themselves with brutally oppressive totalitarian regimes whenever expedient. They are in truth not anti-war or anti-imperialism and tyranny, but only anti-Western-backed wars, imperialism and/or tyranny; Western tyranny bad, non-Western tyranny good.  Orwell had their number a long time ago.
The pseudo-radicals’ hypocrisy is also being more and more clearly exposed on Palestine; while claiming to be fervent anti-zionists and supporters of Palestinian freedom, they have had less than nothing to say about the Assad regime’s use of Israeli-made weapons to kill Palestinians in Syria, about its (ongoing) slaughter of over 500 Palestinians in the past few months, about its targeting of Palestinian camps or its attempts to blame Palestinians for the revolution, just as they’ve had nothing to say about the massacre of tens of thousands of Syrians. There’s also their head-spinningly rapid change in attitude to the Muslim Brotherhood – which is apparently to be lauded in the form of Hamas, but is now cited alongside Al Qaeda as a hideous and terrifying threat in Syria, once again displaying their ignorance of the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as their usual woeful ignorance of the revolution itself.  Meanwhile, the pseudo-radicals’ frequent warnings of the involvement of theocratic extremists in the revolution might be slightly more plausible (despite again having little or nothing to do with the revolution) if it weren’t for their exaltation of the regime in Tehran…

Galloway, using the media he is paid by to tell off Arabs while giving lip service to their causes… a constant in his communication.

At the heart of the pseudo-radicals’ profoundly inhuman hypocrisy lies a distinctly colonial-era elitism that the officials of the British empire would have felt right at home with; there is a withering contempt from these supposed leftists for the non-Western proletariat (and not much empathy for the Western working class either), more especially when the masses under nominally ‘anti-imperialist’ tyrants dare to oppose the leadership.  Only those brutal regimes and the elites that benefit from their patronage are worthy of the pseudo-radicals’ respect, nay adulation, while the wishes of the masses are dismissed and derided, once again exposing the totalitarianism groupies’ supposed radicalism for the shameful sham it is.

Even Carlos Latuff plays the game, denying any agency to the Syrian people, and negating the autonomous nature of the revolution.

If they’re feeling particularly hospitable, these contemporary standard-bearers for leftist ‘thought’ might dismiss the masses in Syria rising up against a tyrant, who has maintained totalitarian rule through what the CIA has acknowledged as the most effective torture network in the world (its reason for selecting Syria as the preferred torture destination for War on Turr prisoners), as being tragically misguided fools taken in by Western media propaganda.  In the elitist worldview of the pseudo-radicals, members of the working class, particularly the non-Western proletariat, are a credulous and childlike homogenous peasant mass incapable of independent thought, feeling or agency.  The pseudo-radicals, as always, hold themselves to an entirely different standard, of course – they and their families should not have to live under autocratic totalitarian rule (it’s noteworthy that not one of the Tehran fan club, including its cheerleader George Galloway, has ever chosen to base themselves there, despite constantly extolling its superiority to the hideous West), but it’s jolly good for the unwashed masses, who lack their own sensitivity and need for basic freedoms.

Mixing domestic and international issues, but “Staying out of Syria” is what matters.

Of course, the pseudo-radicals haven’t entirely lost their taste for mouthing revolutionary platitudes; witness their Toytown ‘Occupy’ revolution-that-wasn’t, rightly derided by the majority in Western nations as one more extended student sit-in for the well-off, with the same old slogans and the same old incoherence: ‘’We want something or other and we want it now, or we’ll, er, camp out and hold tai chi sessions!’’   When they witness true revolutions, however, the pseudo-radicals show their true, profoundly reactionary colours, siding with those rising up against true tyranny only as and when it’s ideologically expedient to do so and otherwise siding with the oppressors.  So long as these callous elitist fakes and phoneys continue to be the loudest voice of the ‘radical’ left, it will – deservedly – continue to have little or no political influence at all.


  1. The article isn’t by Mary Rizzo – who’s about as zionist as Azmi Bishara (although given your tenuous grasp on reality, you probably believe he’s Netanyahu’s bosom buddy). It’s by me.
    I’ve yet to work out what ‘gandaysria’ is; your coherence appears to have gone the same way as your powers of reasoning. Since being confronted with a few home truths has obviously irritated you – as does any contact with the reality-based community – I’ll be sure to write more.
    Take care and remember to take your meds – anyone so evidently incapable of rational thought or basic articulacy desperately needs them.

  2. One more thing – the Palestinian holocaust is called the Naqba,the Arabic word for holocaust/catastrophe. Shoah is the Hebrew word and is used to the European holocaust of the Jews. Whilst it may be that you wish to attract people who might otherwise not come to your site, it’s a pretty insulting choice of name if you view yourselves as pro-Palestinian, since the European holocaust was and remains among the excuses used to supposedly justify the occupation of Palestine. For supposed supporters of Palestinian freedom, you seem rather confused and really need to learn (a lot) more about Palestine, starting with the basics.

  3. Outstanding, thought provocative analysis on a looney-toon character, Mary Rizzo, who has wrecked havoc on the integrity and future potential of the Palestine movement.
    Mary is a has-been, who dwells in the dark cracks with fellow cockroaches, poised to find another poor internet zombie to follow her lead in causing destruction upon others. Her temerity, dishonesty, and ability to over-dramatize a modicum of doubt into a pillar of fantasy would make her a dangerous foe, had her intelligence developed past that of a austrolopithecines hominoid. Let us rest assured and thank God she is does not have super-human qualities to infect us with, she is just a cockroach.

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