Long Live Ireland ! Long Live Syria !


by Daniel Mabsout
The total blackout the Irish struggle has been  subject to seems to have  no par and maybe due to the fact that Great Britain and its allies  holds the major  keys to world  media  . Since we were at school  we were never told the truth , we were given lies about a struggle being a religious one between two sects of Christianity  -Catholics and Protestants-  like the struggle activated now between Sunnis and Shi’as  . –  I remember that – as pupils- we wondered to what avail and over what were Catholics and Protestants fighting  in Ireland ?  And if so why weren’t they fighting everywhere else and why isn’t the Catholic Church or the Vatican involved ? Dissatisfied by the evasive answers of the teacher  we would ask more about the matter  to receive the same response. Finally I think we gave up and ended up telling ourselves that Ireland must be a place- like Lebanon – where multiple religions were source of trouble .
We thought Ireland was England or part of England.   We didn’t know  that  it  was a country and a people and a culture and even a religion standing by itself,  that it was just a neighboring country  to Britain speaking an altogether different language. We did not know  that  Ireland was under occupation,  that it had been invaded   by the British the same way Egypt or Jordan or Palestine were invaded and occupied.  What we learned also is that not only Ireland was invaded and occupied by its harmful neighbor but  was- as well-  colonized- with settlements built and settlers coming in from outside  to settle and exploit the land and build  plantations on usurped territories  that belonged to the Irish people. In  fact  Ireland was  a  British province the same way Algeria was  a French province under French colonization.
Until now the British colonization of Ireland constitutes a great surprise to us  and the question arises that  :  if the British  colonized  us –  Arabs-  or colonized  Indians  who  were strangers  to them, why -on earth-   did they colonize  their own neighbors  with  whom they shared so much  ? We still have not found an answer to this question , but it seems that predator nations will not refrain from doing so and from preying on whatever is  accessible  – be it close or far. They will oppress and exploit and kill their own kith and kin if necessary. This feature applies to Spain –as well – since the first thing the Spaniards did- before sailing to colonize the world -was to invade their neighbors like Catalans and Basques – and subdue them to their own oppressive rule from which- both  Catalans and Basques- are still suffering.
After all this,  seeing what England did to Ireland,  one wonders why people were so shocked  when Adolph Hitler caressed the dream of invading his neighbors and expanding his rule to the rest of Europe . He must have been greatly inspired by both Britain and Spain who preceded him along this line.
No doubt Ireland constituted a great experimental field for the British crown to experiment all kinds of oppressive measures and abusive steps and all kinds of repressive  policies that will be used overseas to oppress other peoples and subdue other nations  .  That is why , when the English Puritans sailed to the New continent at the beginning of the seventeenth century , they had mastered  many of  the means of subjugation of other nations  . Like the British , they usurped the land , built settlements , waged war on the Natives chasing them out of their territories,  enslaving them and starving them and exterminating them,  committing every  single violation towards those who welcomed them and greeted them  and fed them when they were hungry and taught  them how to plant the seeds and work the land. One can even say  that the destruction of the potato crop that lead to the starvation of almost one  million Irish  in year 1840 and to the exile of another million,  inspired the settlers of  the new continent to exterminate the white buffalo in order to starve the Natives who relied greatly  on this animal  .
So many parallels can be drawn between the abuses of the British in Ireland and that of the Puritan pilgrims of the new continent,  the least of them being the demonization of their enemies picturing them  as savage unruly evil creatures that needed to be exterminated for the betterment of humanity.  This demonization is still the weapon used in many instances by the imperialists  to wage war on poor countries and expose populations and cultures  calling for their extermination  and cultural extinction by depriving them of their so called evil  traditions and evil language and heretic religious practices .
The policies of religious conflict and partition and division and setting part of the population against the other and creating  civil  wars and local conflicts- as has been carried on in Ireland for centuries-  bore its fruits in all the British colonies of the British empire . In India , in  the Arab and Muslim world,  the policy of divide and conquer perpetrated the rule of the colonialist enemy even after he evacuated the land. In the Arab Nation,  it created Israel on Palestinian land . In India,  it created Pakistan and Kashmir . In Iraq it created sectarian warfare and ethnical enmities  and so many other irresolvable conflicts that are  not restricted to a  place or area . It killed and is still killing and the crime of the Irish people, like the crime of the Native Indigenous , like that of the Palestinians , was to resist and to refuse to be subdued and their nation subjugated .
If one resists occupation  and exploitation and abuse and violation and partition and acculturation,  one becomes subject to extermination. This  is the rule of the British Crown and the rule of its off Springs : Israel and Uncle Sam , and the rule of the European predators who preyed on their neighbors before preying on us . Long live the Struggle of the people , of all people who are facing the predators by all means.  And the Irish people have been resisting for so long , alone , only relying on themselves , not betting on any external help or world solidarity or international support .  People who sacrificed so much cannot be denied freedom  and inborn rights.  Long live Ireland ! Long live Iran! Long live Syria ! Long live  Iraq! Long live Lebanon and  Palestine! The predator monsters  will be defeated for sure , they have been defeated already  ! The administration of this world will change hands and they are doomed and condemned by their own doings !

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