And again, as in previous terror attacks, the alleged three perpetrators are conveniently shot dead by police. Dead men can’t talk. The same pattern, all over again.
In Manchester, in London, Paris, Nice, Brussels, Berlin, Munich, Stockholm, Orlando, San Bernardino – and wherever terror strikes, the alleged culprits are killed. And they usually leave conveniently an ID behind. Dead terrorists can’t testify. They can’t be asked to corroborate the stories of the police and authorities. These stories become truth without questioning.
By the way, has anybody ever seen these dead terrorists? Anybody, I mean, other than the police? Somebody neutral, trust-worthy? – Or are these dead terrorists perhaps invented to hide the real perpetrators behind these awful crimes on society? – Horrific crimes on a government’s own people, with only one purpose – continue and step up wars by military, financial and propaganda aggression throughout the world, to achieve what Washington’s bible, the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century), proclaims as ultimate goal: Full Spectrum Dominance?
We are almost there. If we are not careful and wake up soon, the New World Order is already upon us, swallowing us alive, as a Python swallows an okapi.
Such state crime, like the recent Manchester and London murders, and all the ones before, would have to be judged by the Highest Court of Justice, à la Nuremberg. Today this is impossible. The International Criminal Court (ICC) of The Hague is no longer an independent court of justice. It’s been directed since long by Washington and Brussels and by those bloody fingers that pull the strings on these sick power cells. Justice is no longer the right of western citizens. Justice has been abrogated, bought, coopeted by force and by threat. Justice has become a pipe dream. It went the same way as has democracy decades ago. But an oblivious citizenry drunk from propaganda is still fantasizing about justice, equality and liberty.
London as Manchester are planned state sponsored acts of terror to achieve a multiple goal. Conservative Theresa May must win the elections on 8 June against Jeremy Corbyn the Labor Leader, who even after the purposeful state crime of Manchester has not lost popularity, to the contrary, he has moved up to a neck-on-neck race. He is indeed a big risk for the deep dark Zionist-masonic elite that manipulates the world towards NWO.
These state-sponsored attacks are also Gladio-2.0 in full swing; decapitating a new emerging European left, which Corbyn in the UK and possibly Mélenchon in France and the ‘Continent’, may be well poised to lead. Corbyn’s campaign aptly calls for a return to social justice, to health care, including care for the elderly, a reformed and free system of education, and not least, back to labor rights that were fatally decimated by the many years of neoliberal and Tory leaders.
While Theresa May’s election program, announced just a few days before the Manchester horror, called for new and tremendously unpopular social cuts – like the elderly who needed care in the future had to spend their own savings first before the state may intervene helping with the cost for their care. Ruin them first into poverty, before assisting them to survive a gradual death in misery. This campaign ‘promise’ which she eventually withdrew, was a failure that cost Madame May many supporters, who switched to her socialist adversary, Jeremy Corbyn, even if they didn’t particularly like him.
When Theresa May called for snap elections in April 2017, she surprised the world. She then thought she knew what she was doing. She had and has only a small 17 seat majority in Parliament, but had a huge, up to 24-point advantage in the polls over her opponent, Corbyn. She hoped, she might expand that advantage to between 50 and 100 Parliamentary seats to push through effortlessly BREXIT, unpopular social cuts and militarization, in her way.
But Corbyn’s relaxed, laid-back manner in which he propagated more social benefits and sovereignty for the Brits, propelled him rapidly as a serious challenger for PM May. So, a fingered ISIS terror attack, like Manchester, with usual left-behind ID for doubters, was in order. It was expected to avert the worst, a Corbyn win. It didn’t work. Postponing elections would be even worse because with every day that passes Corbyn is gaining more grounds.
As a last-ditch effort, a quickly organized killing spree in London is expected to secure May’s election win. Will it? – At first sight, it looks like the Brits are not so easily swayed. They too, may start smelling a rat. Two consecutive terror attacks, mass killings shortly before elections, both allegedly claimed by the Islamic State (IS) and carried out by Islamists, who as per MI5, Scotland Yard’s and Mme. May’s own admission, were known to authorities – who wouldn’t see through the farce?
A socialist UK leader could not only rock the boat for the financial oligarchs, the Rothschild- Rockefeller clans, the Godfathers of the Bank of England, those who invented and imposed in 1913 the US central bank as a private institution, the Federal Reserve Bank (The FED), from which emerged the fraudulent dollar as an unbacked wild card world currency, and later its offspring, the equally unbacked, fake and deceptive euro. The US dollar, thanks to illegally negotiated deals in the early 1970s with the OPEC leaders, the Saudis, that all hydrocarbons had to be traded in US-dollars, is flooding the world in uncountable hundreds of trillions.
Thus, the US dollar had become willy-nilly (no written agreement anywhere) the world’s key reserve currency, thereby usurping entire continents, countries, societies and peoples, as well as Mother Earth herself, through illegal debt, also called ‘odious debt’, and filthy unsustainable exploitation of unrenewable resources. While steadily losing clout, this monster of legalized fraud is ever more rapidly moving towards total (western elite’s) world monetary hegemony.
But the path of deception on which the western monetary system runs is disintegrating fast. Therefore, state sponsored terrorism, spreading fear, promoting fascist governments with fascist economies is – so the self-styled hegemons – well worse sacrificing a few of your own citizens to prolong the atrocious western odyssey.
Would Corbyn win, he might put a monkey wrench in this wheel of destruction, put a hold on the unquestioned bombing of the Middle East; stop militarization of the UK and by extension of Europe; re-evaluate London’s cooperation with France’s Rothschild President, Macron, whose neoliberal policies are like the death knell for a sovereign Europe and sovereign states.
If Mr. Corbyn were to win – perhaps a miracle of higher forces (especially with all the actual vote manipulation and treachery that western powers have been practicing for decades) – he might gain enough European popularity to derail the German elections in September, already slanted for Madame Merkel to ‘win’ a fourth tour the force. Germany is hosting one of Europe’s largest and most modern military camps, where German and NATO troops will soon be training for urban warfare in European cities – i.e. to fight European citizens who may protest against neo-fascist economic slaughter à la Greece.(
This typical financial bankster-oligarch robbery scheme will likely be imposed on other European countries that still have trillions of state assets to be stolen. Consider Greece a mere training ground.
This is clearly what Emmanuel Macron announced with a Lucifer smile, when he talked about greater “European Integration” and “Security” were among his top priorities. He was groomed by the financial mafia to press for rapid privatization of state assets; and by NATO, to make sure a militarized Europe would not allow social protests to the harsh measures of ‘social decapitation’ looming upon Europe. So rapidly, that the average citizen doesn’t even notice the pillage until it’s too late. That’s what’s called economic fascism. Oppressing citizens’ rights to social benefits they earned during their generation-long hard work for a Europe without war, is what the Masters of the Universe are aiming at.
A Europe not for peace but for war – war with the east – the East, where the world’s Future lays – pushed and provoked by the west. As an allegory to Leonard Cohen, ‘First, we take Moscow, then we take Beijing’. Or so ‘their’ dream goes. And on the way devastating what’s left of Europe for the third time in hundred years. The deep dark illuminati masters pull their strings from safe heavens around the globe. But the empire of Wall Street and of Weapons of Mass Destruction and their swamp of corrupted Washington should be spared. Would it?
And thus, the march goes on, towards Full Spectrum Dominance under the dictate of a US dollar hegemony. That’s what Manchester, London, Paris, Brussels — et al, are all about. Calling them mere ‘False Flags’ has become an insult on humanity. They are state orchestrated murders, executed by their sophisticated and highly trained western secret services.
People wake up! – If Manchester’s and London’s screams for help aren’t strong enough, what will shake us to our feet and our deep-down spark of consciousness, We the People?
Calling the murder of seven people and more than 4 dozen injured a ‘False Flag’ is an understatement? Is it a state sponsored criminal act?.