London Grenfell Tower Fire Tragedy: Criminal Negligence of the Professional
All polymer foams – polyurethane, polystyrene and polyethylene, are fire accelerators that will not only quickly combust but will burn with the production of hugely toxic hydrogen-cyanide gas. Anyone in close proximity of such dangerous combustion will be either burned alive or asphyxiated by poison gas.
These facts are well known to all professionals in civil engineering and building contracting i.e. architects, surveyors, engineers, contractors, designers as well as local-authority and government building inspectors. It is also extensively covered in all relevant textbooks. Furthermore, it has been public domain knowledge at least since the catastrophic industrial disaster at the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India that produced isocyanates, in the mid ‘sixties’.
Anyone specifying or allowing the use of such fire accelerators in or on residential or other building would be committing a criminal offence regardless of any other factor or ‘ambiguous advice’ from any quarter.
Any such person responsible for knowingly endangering life should be prosecuted under existing legislation. There is no valid excuse. Greed or personal advancement are not valid.
Gross criminal negligence that causes loss of life is (multiple) manslaughter and must be treated as such and the appropriate penalties applied with the full rigour of the law that is there to protect us, the citizens of the United Kingdom.