LOL!!! N.Y. rabbis claim Health Department ‘spreading lies’ about circumcision-related rite


Decrying upcoming vote on consent waver for metzitzah b’peh, rabbis say there is ‘not even an iota of blame or danger’ in the ancient custom.

Ultra-Orthodox rabbis in New York are accusing the city’s Department of Health of “spreading lies” in order to pass a law mandating that parents sign a consent waiver in order to use a controversial circumcision-related rite.
The health department is scheduled to vote next week on the waiver for the use of direct oral-genital suction, known as metzitzah b’peh. The form would indicate that parents are aware of the risk of infection.
Some 200 rabbis have signed a statement alleging that the department “printed and spread lies… in order to justify their evil decree. It is clear to us that there is not even an iota of blame or danger in this ancient and holy custom,” the New York Post reported.
The controversy over metzitzah b’peh was reignited in March after it came to light that an unidentified infant died Sept. 28 at Brooklyn’s Maimonides Medical Center from “disseminated herpes simplex virus Type 1, complicating ritual circumcision with oral suction,” according to the death certificate.
Health department investigations of newborns with the herpes virus from 2000 to 2011 have shown that 11 infants contracted the herpes virus when mohels, or ritual circumcisers, placed their mouths directly on the child’s circumcision wound to draw blood away from the circumcision cut, according to a statement from the department. Ten of the infants were hospitalized, at least two developed brain damage and two babies died.
The rite is not used in most Jewish circumcision ceremonies, but many in the Haredi Orthodox community still adhere to it. Haredi leaders have resisted calls to replace direct oral suction with alternative approaches used by some mohels, such as the use of a sterile tube or gauze to take the blood from the circumcision wound.

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  1. #1 by Cheryl D. Uzamere on September 4, 2012 – 4:23 pm

    At the website, the article is entitled “Infant Dies from Herpes Infection After Rabbi Sucks Blood from His Penis (Seriously).”
    The article says: “The Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office is investigating the death of an infant boy who contracted herpes from a rabbi who sucked blood from the boy’s penis in a religious circumcision ritual called metzizah b’peh.
    The cause of death was listed as “disseminated herpes simplex virus Type 1, complicating ritual circumcision with oral suction.”
    Mayor Bloomberg Tuesday defended that finding.”
    Let’s get something straight: When a Jew says that a non-Jew spread lies about him, DON’T BELIEVE THE JEW!!!
    America is a county where most people are deathly afraid to offend Jews, let alone lie on them. To offend Jews means to lose your reputation (because they control it). To offend Jews means losing the ability to do business successfully (because they control a great deal of the businesses, not just in America, but all over western Europe). To offend Jews means you must exercise caution when you need healthcare, because, at least in my opinion, once you’ve offended the Jewish community, Jewish surgeons will misdiagnose you and let you die on the operating table. I am a current victim of Ashkenazi Jewish aggression so I know. The psychotic bastards will attack you even when they are wrong.
    Sucking a penis is a sex act, I don’t care what anybody says. There are tools that rabbis can use to suction the blood from a baby’s penis. When surgeons operate, they keep handy the machine that suctions blood. Hell, even a turkey baster can draw blood. Why don’t they use it, instead of putting their filthy mouths of a baby’s penis?
    Have we open a can of worms? Can male homosexuality in the Jewish community be associated with a baby getting his first blow job from a rabbi?
    Oops, sorry. I better be careful before some Jew says I’m lying on the Jews (like I care).

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