LISTEN NOW: ANSWER Organizer Eugene Puryear on April 13 mobilization 'Why we're demanding: U.S. Drones Out of Africa and Everywhere!'


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Listen now to an interview with ANSWER organizer Eugene Puryear on Liberation Radio discussing the Pentagon’s expanding drone operations in Africa. Puryear discusses this new wave of high-tech military operations being carried out quietly by the Pentagon yet with devastating impact on the lives of Africans, with 3,000 killed by drone strikes last year alone. Learn the motives driving Washington’s violent campaign and the efforts to build the April 13 mobilization at the White House demanding: U.S. drones out of Africa!
In this episode, Liberation Radio also speaks to Ramarley Graham’s mother Constance Malcolm on the one-year anniversary of the murder of her son by racist NYPD cops and the need to fight against police brutality. Activist Karina Garcia responds to the immigration reform agenda being put forth by Congress and the White House, and why we must continue to struggle for full equality for immigrants.
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