Listen – ‘Israel’: Only “severe sanctions” will bring about change – Miko Peled

Miko Peled
Mohamed El-Doufani writes:

Israeli writer and human rights campaigner Miko Peled describes how Israeli Jews are knowingly ignorant of and indifferent towards the Palestinian people, their plight and the injustice committed against them.

With rampant racism characterising most Israelis’ attitudes towards the Palestinian people, he says Israeli recognition of the need for justice for the Palestinians can be brought about only “by bringing Israeli society to their knees, like was done with white South African society… through severe sanctions, closure of all diplomatic missions, ending all trade and all commerce”, and making sure that Israel does not participate in any international sports, academic or cultural events.

*Dr Mohamed El-Doufani is an editor, writer, analyst and commentator specialising in the Middle East and North Africa, and Russian and US foreign policies.


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