Libyan Army attacks strategic airport in Tripoli, Turkish soldiers killed

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The Libyan National Army has hit the Mitiga Airport in Tripoli, Libya, killing Turkish servicemen stationed there, the LNA spokesperson said on Sunday.

According to spokesperson Ahmad al-Mismari, for the past several days, the LNA has struck Turkish military targets, including radars and air defences, located at the Mitiga air field. He noted that the LNA had also destroyed everything in the Misrata region that is viewed as having a “Turkish presence”, including military depots.

Al-Mismari underlined that the LNA is adhering to the truce, and carries out operations only as a response to provocations by the GNA.

He added that the LNA forces had entered several districts of Tripoli but they are not advancing in compliance with the ceasefire.

Last week, the LNA, led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, hit Turkish air defence systems at a military base at the airport, prompting the suspension of all flights and evacuation of passengers and personnel.

The airport has previously come under attack multiple times due to the ongoing fighting between the two rival forces in the country — the Libyan National Army and the UN-backed Government of National Accord.

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