Cynthia McKinney
While doing the reading for my schoolwork, my professor chanced upon this article and sent it to the class. I’m sharing it with you because I think this is very important. And it’s clear from the state of things, the problem resides not just in corporate suites, but also on journalists’ beats and among the antiwar chique. We have a pervasive problem that has succeeded in rotting most of our institutions and organizations and even the individuals who lead them. The article is about a scholar who is trying to help us understand where we have gone wrong. The scholar’s application is to corporations. I extend it to other activities that shape how we view the world and what our possible responses to those views are.
The sad fact is that even among people who are supposed to be our heroes, our leaders, something has gone terribly wrong that excuses can be made for a particular political party that are somehow supposed to shield them from a more critical view–when the issues are life and death, the vitality of our country, the protection of Mother Earth, the preservation of our humanity.
Of course, I’m extremely saddened by the video of the torture of the Imam who survived NATO’s bombing in Libya as he accompanied a group of Imams on their way to make peace with their disgruntled brothers and sisters in the eastern part of the country. Firmly in the grips of NATO’s Libyan allies, this Imam who tried to bring peace to his country now faces torture. I appeared on his television show; the DIGNITY Delegation interviewed him as he recounted his harrowing experience to survive the bombing. I still have in my possession copies of the identity cards of the young students of the Koran who were killed by NATO’s precise humanitarian bombing.
Lurking inside the scripts of even progressive media outlets are characterizations of a brutal war of aggression as a “civil war.” I should be accustomed to this by now–it’s the way most of the conflicts in Africa are characterized–a kind of “disinformation shorthand,” that keeps the hidden hand hidden. In reality, the chaos created is a purposeful chaos that facilitates the theft of African resources–or preserves unfettered access to a geo-strategically important piece of real estate. And those who erase the fingerprints of the hidden hand that creates the chaos, are in actuality, the perpetrators’ handmaidens.
So, we get journalists who tweet civilian targets in to NATO for bombing so that other journalists can call it a civil war. What we are witnessing is historical revisionism even before the present becomes history. I saw this very same phenomenon occur around what has become known to the world as the Rwandan Genocide. When it comes to Africa (or Africans–including in the Diaspora) it seems extremely easy for “The Left” to get it wrong. And, the stealing and the killing go on.
And now, 700 Libyans under the leadership of Libyan Al Qaeda NATO ally, Belhadj, have reportedly traveled with their NATO/Qatari weapons to start the “humanitarian intervention” in Syria.
Remember what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. warned us about “friends:”
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.