By: mary Shepard
This is me on a comment thread telling some Zionists to shove it: You gentlemen, with the exception of Chet Riese, have proven yourselves to be sophomoric, adolescent anti-intellectuals totally devoid of any empathy or understanding for anyone who is not a Jew and/or an Israeli. This outrageous narrowmindedness, as well as your arrogance and antagonism towards people with whom you disagree, makes you worthless when it comes to having any meaningful discussion. In other words, you’re boring me to tears.
When you care to educate yourselves with information that is not the standard hasbara and other bigoted tripe, perhaps your minds will expand. But I tend to think otherwise. Your only interest is in comforting and entertaining each other with your hatred of Muslims and particularly Arabs, your denial of Palestinian suffering, and your incredibly shallow and stupid propensity for asking pointless questions.
You are whining, narcissistic, emotionally immature, insensitive, uninformed knuckle-draggers who are sadly out of step with the world and ignorant about its people.