Lee Whitnum’s “whore for AIPAC” comment draws protests – from whores!


 Kevin Barrett

My recent interview with Lee Whitnum is posted here; listen:

The Zionist-dominated media professes to be shocked – SHOCKED – that Connecticut Senate Candidate Lee Whitnum called US Rep. Chris Murphy “a whore for AIPAC.”

I’m shocked too.

Calling Congress-critters rolling in Zionist dough “whores” is an insult to prostitutes everywhere.

I understand that the International Union of Sex Workers will be lodging a complaint against Whitnum.

A prostitutes’ spokesperson writes:

“Chris Murphy and the other Representatives and Senators who take big money from Zionists are not whores, they are traitors. Calling them ‘whores’ demeans the world’s oldest profession. As whores, we are absolutely whorified to be compared with these Zionist-money-sucking scumbags. We demand an apology from Ms. Whitnum forthwith.”

Whores Union of Western Utah (WUWU) protests Lee Whitnum’s remarks.


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