Lebanon:11 stabs and suffocating her with a shoe strap, rape and more … Here are the full details

Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Revealing new details about the killing of the young woman “Malak Abbas” .. 11 stabs and suffocating her with a shoe strap, rape and more … Here are the full details

The unveiling of new details regarding the crime of kidnapping and killing of the young woman “Malak Abbas” whose body was found in an abandoned building in the “Deir Baalba” neighborhood east of Homs last March.

And the mother of the angel of “Sahid Brijawi” had filed a complaint with the “Al-Mahatta” police station in Homs stating that she was absent from her family’s house on 21/2/2020 without any information on the reason behind her absence, and on 24/23/220 her body was found in a neighborhood. Monastery of Baalba ”among the abandoned houses.

According to the Ministry of Interior page, through gathering information and conducting the necessary investigations, the invitees were arrested: (Muhammad. D), (Ayham. M), (Hussein. M) and (Muhammad. M.) and the perpetrators admitted that they killed the victim (Malik) by Eleven stabbed her with a sharp knife and strangled her by tying her shoe she wore and hit her on the head with a hard object after raping her.

The competent authorities had found the body of the young woman, “Malak Hassan Abbas,” 20 years old, and Malak – a university student first year – had been kidnapped more than a month ago in the Al-Insha’at neighborhood, the compulsory distribution area after she got out of her house to a nearby supermarket to buy some things .

A relative of the betrayed girl recounted in a Facebook post at the time that a forty-year-old woman of brown skin tried to give her a muzzle by force under the pretext of “corona” protection, and when his niece refused, the kidnapper tried to pull her from her hand and put the muzzle for her by force in order to anesthetize her and the girl shouted and shouted But the street was clear of pedestrians, so the woman was able to take her to the main street and there were people waiting for her.

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