Lebanon: LBCI recognizes receiving funding with «new» and «mtv»

Eleven days, paralysis hits the country on the brink of financial collapse, from end to end. The collapse, which was supposed to take place in a year or two, is approaching at record speed, and the possibilities of the unknown and chaos are closer to believing.

The day after the WhatsApp session, a popular uprising began to overwhelm the corruption of power and to a historical accumulation not only of three decades, but also from the moment the quota system was established. But what is happening today, the prevalence of the logic of the “revolution of the revolution”, and the organized banditry in very precise geographies have become an open play to bring about great civil chaos.

The details of the involvement of regional states in supporting specific groups of protesters, personalities and media are increasing and unfolding every day, and pushing the street towards the high ceilings reaches the point of no return.

Despite all the conflict between the camps of Qatar and Turkey on the one hand and the UAE and Saudi Arabia on the other, these American tools, which agree only among themselves on the security of Israel and sabotage the Arab world, gradually engaged in a game of financing its mercenaries, which is implemented on the ground a coup-like scenario, exploiting A popular uprising erupted at the moment of power making its deadly mistake.

LBCI Chairman Pierre Daher admitted to Prime Minister Saad Hariri a few days ago that he had received money from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, along with his colleagues Tahseen Al-Khayyat and Michel Al-Murr. Other, especially European ones. The Saudis and the Emiratis also financed the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, to return and remind the Lebanese of his “peaceful” militias and checkpoints.

Qataris recently entered the Lebanese incitement market, at the request of the Turks, who are focusing on Tripoli and Akkar, to expand their growing influence since last year through Turkish associations, and to balance the UAE money distributed by Yahya Mawloud, the representative of Tahseen Al-Khayat in Tripoli, and former Minister Ashraf Rifi. Commander of the City Guards. Qatari money is not absent from the prominent activity of Hizb ut-Tahrir and Jemaah Islamiyah, which, while not participating in large numbers of demonstrators, provides organized groups and manages banditry in a number of areas.

It is not yet clear who supports the movement of former minister Nihad al-Mashnouq, who is moving some Future Movement officials to influence the street in Beirut and the central Bekaa to Majdal Anjar. However, Prime Minister Hariri asked the Minister of Interior and Municipalities not to use internal water cannons to disperse demonstrators in more than one area, knowing that future supporters are blocking roads and demonstrating.

So far, as elsewhere in the world, Americans are reassuring the ruler and preparing to topple the state. They patted Hariri for not resigning, but they are unleashing their tools to fund parties and some associations that manage the movements to pressure him and demand his resignation. They demand that Hariri implement reforms and prevent the Lebanese army from opening the roads that paralyze the country, especially the South Road on the coastline and the North Road.

Today, the scenario of blocking roads, which began last night through parking and assembling them on the roads, looks ahead of the army’s implementation of any step promised by President Michel Aoun, at a time when the army presented the Authority with a “model” of trying to open roads by force in the Beddawi area yesterday. The army’s confusion has become a concern for the political forces, because the absence of the military establishment will inevitably lead to a confrontation in the street between bandits and the rest of the Lebanese, who pay the bill of destruction twice, once by the PA, and the second by agendas.
What is incomprehensible is that Minister of Education Akram Shuhaib committed to unjustifiably close schools and universities in a number of areas, while former MP Walid Jumblatt has adhered to the ceiling of not paralyzing the country and the “official” exit from the roads for socialist progressive partisans. Leave the appreciation to the heads of educational areas to assess the situation in their areas, what prevents the opening of schools and universities in the south and the Bekaa, North and South Mount Lebanon, but the minister’s decision «until further notice»?
Yesterday, President Nabih Berri called for the opening of schools and universities where it was possible after his agreement with Hezbollah on the matter, and began issuing a statement announcing the Amal schools open their doors to students today. So did the Lebanese American University, announcing the opening of its doors to its students in Beirut and Jbeil, after the American University and the Jesuit University agreed to participate in the path of disruption, after decades of disagreement between the two universities on any unified position.

The French are negotiating with Aoun about some of the influential figures in the moves

Regarding the reshuffle or the formation of a new government, the Palestinian Authority seems ready to remove obscene faces from the government, including Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, if this action leads to the withdrawal of the street fuse and concessions to demonstrators who are not controlled by political agendas. But such a move will not happen now by the PA, with the explicit support of Hezbollah, for several reasons. First, the party and President Aoun refuse to negotiate any changes before opening the roads, which is being rejected by the Lebanese forces, which are negotiating the demonstrators in North Mount Lebanon. Fear of Hezbollah and Aoun that those who move the street towards the point of no return, will demand more concessions that reach the downfall of President Aoun, which Hezbollah considers a red line. Moreover, any option to form a new government, even if there is a prior agreement, is not guaranteed, with scenarios that leak from the American diplomatic staff in Beirut on the intention of the Americans in the event of the resignation of the government and the reassignment of Hariri, prevented him from forming, and keep the state amputated. So far, negotiations between Hariri and Aoun with some of the figures moving the street, through a French mediator, have not reached any horizon, as long as the animators did not respond to Aoun’s call for dialogue.
Hizbullah is strongly pushing for a swift re-activation of government and parliamentary action, as the head of the party’s executive council, Mr. Hashim Safi, said in a clear warning: “We will have a clear and decisive position before all the Lebanese.” “When people started their protests, we found ourselves closest to them. Today we are not at odds with the movement, we appreciate and respect their goals and what they are doing. Those who participated in the movement, who said that he did not receive funding and paid from his own money believe him, but those who are accused and known did not deny this ».
The prime minister did not specify the date of the cabinet session, which is said to be held on Tuesday to complete the translation of the reform paper. North and Bekaa in particular.

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