Lebanon: Every traitor

حبيب الشرتوني البطل الذي نفذ حكم الشرفاء بلحائن بشير الجميل …سيخلدك ااتاريخ ياابن مدرسة انطون سعادة

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Every traitor

September 14 marks the anniversary of the assassination of Syrian national hero Habib al-Shartouni, the traitor, Zionist agent Bashir Gemayel, who came to the Lebanese presidential palace on the Zionist tank after the Zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982 …..
after the arrest Habib al-Shartouni, 24, admitted to what he did without hesitation or fear and proudly in front of a press conference, saying:
“I am Habib al-Shartouni …

I admit in full legal capacity that I implemented the rule of the people against the Zionist traitor Bashir Gemayel, who sold Lebanon to the Zionist regime, and I do not regret On the contrary, if he comes again, I will kill him. I promise to you that there are a thousand thousand lovers for every traitor a client in my country ….. “

It is noteworthy that Zionist invaded Lebanon in 1982, and the Zionist Nazi Ariel Sharon met Bbshir before the invasion by months and told him that he would invade Lebanon to uproot the PLO from Lebanon and expelled outside the country, and pledged to support Nazi Sharon invasion of Lebanese.

In September 1 , 1982, before he was assassinated two weeks after his election as president a week, Zionist Bashir Gemayel meet Nazi Prime Minister Menachem Begin in Nahariya … during the meeting , Zionist Bashir thanked the Zionist regime for their support of the Lebanese forces, and promised to sign a peace treaty with them as soon as he took office as president …

On September 12 , he Met Nazi Ariel Sharon in Bikfaya, and decided to launch a joint massive attack against Syrian forces in Lebanon within 48 hours, and the Lebanese army has already supported the implementation of the attack by Nazi forces …

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