Lebanon: Berri launches “legislative revolution”: “I am with the mobility”

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri launched a legislative revolution that will begin after the election of the Council’s office and its members next Tuesday with a legislative session. With mobility in all its demands except for cutting roads and insults and insults.

Speaker Berri’s positions came after his presidency at the second presidential office in Ain al-Tineh, a meeting of the Council of Representatives in the presence of Deputy Speaker Elie Farzli and MPs Marwan Hamadeh, Alain Aoun, Michel Moussa, Agop Bakradounian and the Secretary-General of the Council Adnan Daher and MP Samir al-Jisr excused because of road conditions.

Berri, after the meeting, announced to the media that the session scheduled for next Tuesday on the 12th is an electoral session to complete the Bureau of the Council and the members of the committees will get on time at eleven and then will close and opened at one legislative session has agreed with colleagues in the members of the Bureau of the Council By virtue of the continuity of the work of the institutions, the agenda of this session should include a number of projects and proposals of laws accomplished by the parliamentary committees. A number of projects and proposals that are considered to be of great importance and which were under consideration in the House of Representatives should be added to the agenda. It has not yet been completed by the competent committees.

He added: I will use my powers as President of the Council in accordance with rule 38 of the rules of procedure and also in accordance with the desire of the real civil movement that demands legitimate and rightful demands, and I will put on the agenda the following laws:

First: Decree 5272 on the Anti-Corruption Law.

Second: Proposing a law to establish a court for financial crimes.

Third: Decree 4303 Law on Guaranteeing Aging.

Fourth: To propose a repetitive accelerated law relating to general amnesty.

On the other hand, Berri added that there are also a number of important laws proposals, but they are presented in more than one proposal for the same law and from more than one bloc.

1. By lifting bank secrecy

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