Leaked Trump Phone Conversations with Foreign Leaders

Leaked Trump Phone Conversations with Foreign Leaders, Regime Change in America, Cold War 2.0, Risking Things Turning Hot

Through reliable sources,  highly respected investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that the CIA is behind Russiagate, the agency spreading disinformation and Big Lies.

Claims about Russian US election hacking, along with alleged improper or illegal Trump team ties to Moscow were fabricated, media  proliferating rubbish, serving as press agents for powerful interests. 

Clearly what’s going on is a diabolical plot to denigrate and weaken Trump, softening him up for removal from office by whatever means it takes.

It’s also about political and economic war on Russia, Cold War 2.0, risking things turning hot, the most dangerous time in memory, neocons infesting Washington playing with fire, media reports throwing fuel on it.

Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. Fotografía oficial.jpg

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Transcripts of Trump’s phone conversations with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull were leaked to the Washington Post – the CIA-connected broadsheet serving as a Langley house organ, reporting what it wants published.

The CIA, NSA, FBI, and likely other US intelligence agencies monitor telecommunications, including those of foreign leaders and the president of the United States – Langley the most likely leaker of Trump’s conversations with Nieto and Turnbull.

Serving deep state interests, it’s most likely behind the diabolical plot to remove him from office, by impeachment or more sinister means.

Eliminating heads of state is a longtime CIA specialty, Langley responsible for assassinating JFK, RFK and MLK. Will Trump be its next target?

On August 3, WaPo nonchalantly said it “obtained transcripts of two conversations President Trump had with” Nieto and Turnbull – without explaining who supplied them.

Conversations by US presidents with foreign officials are likely classified, leaking them a federal offense, Trump hugely embarrassed because they contradict what he said publicly.

Other heads of state may be uneasy about what they discuss with him by phone or face-to-face, wondering if their comments may be leaked.

According to WaPo, highlights of Trump’s January 27 conversation with Nieto included:

“Trump threatens potential tariffs on Mexican goods.”

“Trump vows to help fight the ‘tough hombres’ driving the Mexican drug trade.”

“Trump seems to acknowledge that his threats to make Mexico pay (for the border wall) had left him cornered politically.”

“Trump asks that they avoid publicly disagreeing over how the wall will be funded.”

“Trump describes the wall as ‘the least important thing we are talking about.’ “

“Trump tells Pena Nieto to stop saying publicly that his government would never pay for the wall.”

WaPo published an apparent verbatim transcript of their conversation, clearly aiming to embarrass Trump, part of its campaign against him – as directed by its CIA handlers.

Malcolm Turnbull at the Pentagon 2016 cropped.jpg

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Published highlights of Trump’s January 28 conversation with Turnbull were as follows:

“Trump tells (him) that accepting the refugees ‘will make us look awfully bad.’ “

“Turnbull tries to explain to Trump that the refugee deal is consistent with the travel ban.”

“Turnbull tells Trump that the deal is ‘really, really important’ to Australia.”

“Trump says the refugee deal is ‘going to kill me.’ “

“Trump calls the agreement a ‘stupid deal’ that will make him ‘look terrible.’

“Trump tells Turnbull ‘I have had it’ and ends the call.”

WaPo’s report is part of a diabolical plot to vilify, weaken and embarrass Trump, a campaign to remove him from office, replacing him with easily controlled Mike Pence – a neocon puppet in waiting.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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