Introduction by Gilad Atzmon::Leading pro-Palestinian activist Laura Stuart tells us about the role of the Jewish thought police in Britain, both Zionist and AZZ (anti Zionist Zionists). For some reason, they insist to locate themselves at the centre of every political discourse.
The last seven days have been particularly busy ones for “activist” me. Last Thursday I was outside Downing Street shoulder to shoulder with the Torah Faithful Jews (N.K.), Muslims and non Muslims, protesting against our government’s invited guest ‘War Criminal’ Tzipi Livni. The Naturei Karta Jews turned up with their banners, stood for photographs, did a video interview all with no fuss, their agenda is clear they want to see the end of the State of Israel. When I e.mailed around the video of the Naturei Karta interview I received a reply from a Jewish lady in America warning me that they do not have the same agenda as us!
Saturday I was in Trafalgar square for the anti war protest and although I didn’t notice any Jewish groups there I was especially uplifted (sarcasm) as a Muslim woman, to have read Harry’s Place and learned that they were 100% behind the continued war and occupation of Afghanistan in the name of women’s rights! Harry’s Place a rabid pro Zionist website believes that firing missiles from drones is liberating for Afghan women never mind that said women are too often left widows and grieving mothers.
Monday I was at the launch of Gilad Atzmon’s book “The Wandering Who” a panel discussion on Jewish identity politics. Outside this event was the scene of the most amazing “it’s all about me” event of the week… a small group of anti Zionist Jews turned up to picket outside. They handed people arriving at the event a paper with some copy and pastes taken from Gilad’s blog previously, when asked none of them were able to say they had actually read ‘The Wandering Who’ which they claimed is anti Semitic. The one thing I learned from the picket was that Gilad arouses great passion in some women and makes them very over emotional, the very opposite of the intellectual debate which took place inside this successful event. I wonder why the anti Zionist Jews didn’t just come inside and take on the debate? As an aside Tony Greenstein who wasn’t at the event at all has published a very misleading report on his blog today, of course Tony is completely obsessed with Gilad so this is not something new.
Tuesday evening I was inside the House of Commons for a M.E.M.O. event the presentation of a report sponsored by the Cordoba Foundation entitled “The Cold War on British Muslims”. In front of me sat Jonathan Hoffman which proves that Muslims are not the ones trying to prevent freedom of speech or control the “solidarity movement”. Imagine my surprise today when Harry’s Place ran the following headline on their report of the event:-
“MEMO’s event about Muslims turns out, yet again, to really be about the Jews”