Kidnapper of Lebanese Hostages Severely Injured, Feet Amputated

A security source, from Syria’s Aleppo, informed al-Ahed news, that Ammar al-Dadakhli known as Abu Ibrahim, the brigade commander of the so-called “The Storm of the North” in Aleppo, suffered severe feet injury.According to the information, the kidnapper of the 9 Lebanese hostages in Syria was targeted by a Syrian Army air raid.”Abu Ibrahim’s feet were amputated after being transferred to a Turkish hospital to receive the necessary treatment,” the sources said.The sources said “al-Dadakhli was wounded in the village of Yazibag on the Syrian- Turkish borders.”This comes after he formed an inception border between the two countries to receive charging taxes, and loots on cars and citizens wishing to enter the Turkish territories.
In parallel, the sources pointed out that “al-Dadakhi ,responsible for the kidnapping of Lebanese hostages in Aleppo, has 2,000 fighters under the banner of “The Storm of the North”.”He frequently fights with other extremist groups like: al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda, Twhid Brigade to control the border post, which forms a main source of income for him and his elements.The security sources further indicated that Abu Ibrahim was a Tobacco driver in one Aleppo’s countryside garages. The illiterate man exploited the current crisis to achieve material gains by negotiating on people’s lives.

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