Dear,Last week, the oldest and most respected Jewish paper in the United

States,the Jewish Daily Forward, did the unimaginable. They named Rebecca Vilko-

merson, the director of of Jewish Voice for Peace, one of the top 50 Jewish

leaders in the United States.

Rebecca’s inclusion on the list is really a symbol of JVP becoming a

force that cannot be ignored. It is a stunning acknowledgement of the

work of  the staff, board, chapters and countless volunteer activists

who have spent years making Jewish Voice for Peace what it is, a sign

of our extraordinary progress. Today, we are the only national U.S.

Jewish group that fights for full equality for Israelis and Palestinians.

We can’t stop now. We’ve got our foot in the door – and now it’s time to kickit

wide open. And, we need your help to do it.

You see, to be acknowledged for our influence in the Jewish world is nearly

unthinkable. We’ve been handed a moment to exponentially increase that

influence. We’ve got to be louder, stronger and bigger – and that means finding

more and more people who, like you, are willing to speak the truth, to speak of

peace, to dissent with us.

This isn’t just our idea, though. When a couple of donors heard the news

about Rebecca’s inclusion in Forward, they came to us and asked, “What’s

the most important thing we can do to make the most of this moment?”,

the answer seemed obvious.
We said, Help us be louder and stronger and bigger and more effective

than ever.

So they made us an offer, ”For every person who adds their name to the

Jewish Voice for Peace email list, we’ll donate a dollar.”

They’ve promised us $15,000 if we can get 15,000 new people on our e-list.

All you have to do is have your friends paste this URL into their browser:

Please forward this email to your friends, along with your note about why you

 stand for a just peace. Every voice counts.


Penny Rosenwasser,
Founding Board Member
Jewish Voice for Peace

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