Iranian supreme leader takes to Twitter in wake of controversial shooting of black teenager by police, calling the US “an enemy of human rights”.
Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei continued to attack the human rights record of the United States on Sunday, on the background of the shooting death by police of a black youth in Ferguson, Missouri that has sparked unrest.
Khamenei has taken to Twitter in recent days to criticize arch-enemy America, declaring that, “Brutal treatment of black ppl isn’t indeed the only anti-human rights act by US govt; look at US’s green light to #Israel’s crimes.”
“Racial discrimination is still a dilemma in the US,” he wrote Sunday, posting photos depicting police discrimination and brutality, as well as bruised and beaten black victims of the violence.
Brown’s family and supporters have demanded for days that the officer who shot Brown be held accountable. The US Department of Justice is investigating the shooting for any civil rights violations, and the St. Louis County Police department has also launched a probe.