Khader Adnan Mousa: 53rd day on a hunger strike


Family Visit:Following PHR Israel’s insistence, a family visit was granted to the hunger striker, Khader Adnan Mousa. His wife, Randa, and two daughters visited him today ataround 09:30 AM. The visit lasted 45 minutes.This family reunion was shadowed by Khader Adnan’s condition at the meeting. He was shackled two legs and right hand to his hospital bed, so during this important family visit he could not hug his daughters and wife.

Medical Deterioration:His clothes were dirty. His fingers were not trimmed for a long time, and he started to lose his hair. His body odor was unpleasant, and his wife was impressed that he has lost a third of his weight. During the visit he told her he insists on being examined by doctors he trusts – i.e. doctors sent by PHR Israel – and keeps on refusing examinations by others. He also reported feeling fading away, that he suffers from chest pains, and feels he had days, maybe hours, to live.

PHR Israel urges you to:

  1. Protest Khader Adnan’s shackling to his bed. The refusal of the IPS (Israeli Prison Service) to un do the shackling is excused on the security threat posed by Khader Adnan. PHR Israel seriously doubt such a threat exists from a man in his condition. Furthermore, there are prison guards at his side the whole time.

  2. Urge the Israeli authorities to approve continuous medical follow up by PHR Israel’s doctors, instead of a one time examination (each takes long to get approved, and does not allow the kind of follow up needed in advanced stages of a hunger strike)

  3. Khader Adnan started his hunger strike following his administrative detention and humiliating interrogation. PHR Israel believes that based on the fact that Israel uses it in a sweeping manner toward Palestinians, and its vast violation of human rights – including preventing fair trial, it should be rejected and Khader Adnan should be released

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