A Whisper to a Roar screening at The National Archives (ed note:national archives at ziocons service) tonight, Jan 30th at 7:00 pm! Presented by the Charles Guggenheim Center for Documentary Film in partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy(cia front)Followed by panel and Q&A with film’s inspiration Larry Diamond, (TIED TO WORLD BANK,HOOVER(PRO WAR THINK TANK) AND CIA FRONT NED  whose contributions to global(OVERTHROW OF) democracy(IES) advocacy inspired the film; filmmaker Ben Moses;(ed note;hes a Zionist Jew! 
 and the film’s Esraa Abdel Fattah
[ed notes:she was the Zionist ran us state dept tool in Egypt after mubarak wa soverthrown,by his handlers in Washington) (they needed a new puppet a new face in order to stop the coming inevitable revolution to topple him)anyway backround on this tool…  Abdel Fattah  reappeared during the January 2011 nationwide protests in Egypt that called for the end of President Mubarak’s regime.  [[[[[[[[Not only was she active on the internet, but also on the ground, updating Al Jazeera TV with the latest news related to the opposition.]]]]]] [ed note:from being al jazeeras mouthpiece in Egypt,to a ziocon film in no time!!!  
Pix coming soon from the screening at the U.S. State Department, livestreamed for U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world! The U.S. Department of State’s Open Forum and the Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies hosted a screening of A Whisper to a Roar on January 29th. The hosts are also working in collaboration with over 25 US Embassies and Consulates around the world to host viewing parties with civil society leaders in their respective countries. The participating Embassies and Consulates are part of the Secretary’s Strategic Dialogue with Civil Society and will host their viewing parties as part of their mission-based working groups, which focus on engaging with civil society to further (ZIONIST RAN) U.S. foreign policy.

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