Keep Bethlehem Open And Help Palestinian Christians Stay


Victories in the struggle for peace and justice for Palestinians come slowly, but are coming more frequently. We Hold These Truths founder, Chuck Carlson, and Tom Compton discuss the inspiring documentary, Open, Bethlehem, by Palestinian filmmaker, Leila Sansour. and her groundbreaking, Bethlehem passport project designed to put wings to her film. Educating American Christians about the plight of their Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, who are slowly being forced to leave the Holy Land, is vitally important.

Palestinian filmmaker, Leila Sansour exposes the walling in of Bethlehem, the birth place of Jesus, in her powerful and moving documentary, Open, Bethlehem.

We also talk about a recent, major victory in Boulder, Colorado where a resolution to make the Palestinian city of Nablus a sister city to Boulder was passed by the city council over strong opposition from vocal, local Zionists. It’s one of a few sister city projects in the US with a Palestinian town in the West Bank. It turns out that In 2009 Sacramento, California’s City Council unanimously passed a sister city resolution with Bethlehem. It also passed a resolution stating that it would form a relationship with an Israeli town. For examples of the turning, click here. Please take 16 minutes to listen to this powerful program and share it with someone else.

Leila Sansour and Tom Compton of We Hold These Truths with his new Bethlehem passport.

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