Andersonstown News 04/11/10


During a recent Lords debate on the Bloody Sunday Inquiry it was argued that no more public inquiries should be held into events of the past and we should all move on. This is exactly what those who have most to hide want to hear.

Every week reveals another case of injustice and cover-up, like the recent Bernadette Friel case in Derry in which even the police at the time wanted murder charges to be brought against a former British soldier, only to be over-ruled by the DPP and a lesser charge brought.Recent files uncovered dating back to events in 1971 show the British were doing all in their power to protect security forces against criminal proceedings, including murder, in respect of actions while on duty. This again set the pattern for the next 30 years.

The reason these families can’t put the past behind them was because they were failed miserably by the justice system.

What we need is an independent International Truth Commission (not a Saville- type inquiry) tailored to Irish needs in which dealing with the past in a positive way will bring healing and closure to this families who need answers. The truth costs nothing, it is the cover-ups that cost millions.

Clara Reilly

TOM comment:

The full Commons Hansard record of the debate in the British parliament on the Bloody Sunday Inquiry (Report) can be viewed here. The video and audio recording can be accessed here.

Troops Out Movement

Campaigning for British Withdrawal from Ireland

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