Jordan: Zionist puppet Abdullah to Pave Way for Antichrist?

Jordan’s King Abdullah to Pave Way for Antichrist?

(left, Abdullah makes Masonic signs with Putin) 
Al-Mahdi is the redeemer of the Muslim world who will usher in the final Caliphate which will last 7-9 years before the return of Jesus Christ. YM believes King Abdullah II of Jordan will play the role of a false Al-Mahdi who will prepare for the return of the antichrist, David Mayer Rothschild. 
by YM
 Few people take notice in the news to names like King Abdullah II of Jordan (Jewrdan). The Anglo-Saxon, semi celebrity (appeared in a Star Trek episode) Arab who came to power in 1999 at the ripe age of 37 inherited a contemporary Arab nation which sits along borders with Israel, Syria, Iraq and what’s known as Arabia.
His rise to kingship was suspicious to say the least. It was only in his deathbed in a US hospital did his father, the late king Hussein, name Abdullah II as his heir just before his death. Previously, in 80’s he had declared his brother as crown prince, later changed his decision to his eldest son Ali (from third wife, Queen Alia), but in 1992 decided he would chose one of his nephews instead.


Historically called the land of Hejaz and recently named ‘Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’, the region once was ruled by his grandfather of the Hashemite clan (clan of Prophet Mohammed) from 1916-1925.
The region of Hejaz encompasses two very important cities and sacred sites to Muslims. One being Makkah, the birthplace of Prophet Mohammed and home of the sacred Al-Hiram Mosque /Al-Kaba’a, the other being Medinah, home to Prophet Mohammed’s Mosque and his burial site. In addition to kingship over Jordan and Hejaz, the Hashemite dynasty also ruled over parts of Iraq and what is now known as Syria.

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However, in 1920’s the British through their agents and syndicates, and similar to pawns on chess board, rolled back the Hashemites in favor for the crypto-Jewish clan of Al-Saud, originally from Iraq.
In return, the British/Rothschilds promised the Hashemites full control of all Arab nations.
Today, we are nearly witnessing this promise being honored and implemented. Not only did the ‘Arab Spring’ weaken three of the four (Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Egypt) most feared armies in the region but it left Jordan unscathed and only served to strengthen and empower ‘Israel’. Of course, both nations are equally complicit for the conception of ISIS. An estimated 30 percent of ISIS members are of Jordanian nationality. It is a fact that the unrest and violence in Syria started along the boarders with Jordan where the CIA and Military had been active for years.
Another reason to suspect Jordan’s complicity is the war games dubbed ‘Operation Eager Lion’ being held annually by a 20-nation coalition in Jordan since 2011.
Nations like US, UK, Australia, Canada, France and Pakistan have been conducting joint war drills  in Jordan for six years now in semi-secrecy for dubious reasons. If the name of the operation is an indication, we may see the fall of Assad and rise of king Abdullah II soon. The Syrian president’s name ‘Assad’ translates directly to ‘Lion’.
In 2015, Jordan’s king, whose mother is an aristocratic British Jew named Antoinette Avril Gardiner, raised the Hashemite banner. Muslims carry the lineage and surname of the father but a Jew is only a Jew through his mother.
The banner is believed by some to be that of the prophesied ‘Sufyani’ character in Islamic eschatology. Abu Sufyan was Prophet Mohammed’s long time nemesis. He was defeated when Prophet Muhammed peacefully and without a single bloodshed returned to conquer Makkah after being exiled by its pagan tribal leaders, mainly Abu Sufyan. According to Prophetic narrations the Sufyani’s banner will be a red standard.


Left, The raising of the Hashemite banner and customary attire of soldiers signifying ‘revenge’.
The media was quick to report on the auspicious ceremony. The extremely rare raising of the 500 year old banner and the manner in which it was carried left many bewildered.
The observer would ask, Who is the king taking revenge on? ISIS, Al-Sauds, Assad or is it Prophet Mohammed (and his true progeny Al-Mahdi) perhaps?
Others cited the ceremony and banner to signify the ushering of a more prominent role of Jordan’s king in the region. 
Jordanian MP Wasfi Rawashda wrote on his Facebook page about the historical implications behind the banner. “I believe that this is a clear message that the region is in the process of drawing a new map in which the borders of Sykes-Picot will be altered and the Arab Orient will be redrawn under new names.” 
Rawashda’s outlook and ‘prediction’ can directly be linked to prophesies stating that ‘Al-Sufyani’ (false Mahdi) will be the first to send army to quill Al-Mahdi’s (true Caliph) emergence in Makkah. It’s no surprise that in 2011, Jordan entered into a defense agreement with the Gulf Countries Cooperation (GCC). Jordan’s king is now legally able to militarily intervene in places like Makkah and Medinah!

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One world religion leaders like this mystic Sufi, now deceased (far right), with followers in the millions, have proclaimed King Abdullah II (left) as Caliph of Muslims and leader over all Arabs as far back as 2010!
 All evidences points to this plan being in the works for at least over the last one-hundred years or so. Relatively recently, many pseudo-shaykhs and religious personalities have promoted and propagandized the idea of King Abdullah as the coming Caliph. One of the more elder and most and followed is a Sufi mystic named Nazim Al-Haqqani. Haqqani is considered a heretic by most Muslims. He left his message and order clear to his followers before his death in 2014, ‘pledge allegiance to King Abdullah the coming Caliph!’. The controversial Haqqani even stated that he had the honor to kiss the hands and feet of the king!

In addition, it is also foretold that ‘Sufyani’ will reign over Jerusalem. This was partially fulfilled in 2013 when Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas designated Jordan’s King title of ‘Custodian of Al-Aqsa Mosqueand gave him even more authority at “defending and protecting” the sacred site.

More recently, the British-American raised and educated Jordanian playboy has had some harsh words for Israel regarding violations at Al-Aqsa mosque compound. It’s probably noteworthy to mention that the king is a 33 degree Freemason and an elite member of the committee of 300 which rules the world.
How can this be? One can’t help but conclude that we are we being set up by the Rothschilds again for a war in long-making, this time to counter the rise of the Imam Al-Mahdi with their false Mahdi.


With Ehud Barak Masonic Shake
In a few days (March 29th) the 2017 Arab Summit is set to conveniently commence in Amman, Jordan for the first time in sixteen years and only the third time since the groups inception in 1945. The Jordanian government has made it clear it will not invite the Syrian government to attend and has promised a major announcement by the end of the summit. One can only wonder if it is only by sheer coincident that the summit is set to take place at the start of seventh Islamic month of ‘Rajab’.
This just so happens to be the month the Prophesied ‘Sufyani’ is set to begin his ascension to power, prominence and domination.
Amongst other scattered yet jaw-dropping prophesies in both Sunni and Shia traditions regrading ‘Al-Sufyani’ are: “his name will be Abdullah”, his age when he comes to power is 37, he will be a king, his title is ‘Al-Sufyani Althani’ (Sufyani II), he will be ‘of red and blue’ (reference to complexion and eye colors or illuminati bloodlines) just to list a few.
The ultimate goal of the Zionists/Rothschilds appears to be the building of an opposition or an alternative to the inevitable rise of Al-Mahdi in the region to confuse and create conflict. The king of Jordan is supposedly of the bloodlines of Prophet Mohammed. He is perfect candidate for the false Mahdi. All it takes is defeating their own creation in ISIS (Iraq & Syria) , toppling Assad (Syria) and Israel handing him Jueraslam (Palestine). This would prime him to fully consolidate and assume role of Caliph of the region as well as send his army into the already deteriorating and fragile Saudi kingdom in Makkah (Hejaz).
This is earth shattering development.  In the coming days ahead, we are about to be realize if king Abdullah II is indeed the Prophesized ‘Sufyani’. If so, then we are most likely looking at the rise of Al-Mahdi by end of this year. His rule will only be for 7,8 or 9 years according to authentic traditions and narrations before handing over the baton to Jesus Christ, son of the blessed Virgin Mary to finish off the “Est. 2025” “Young Global Leader” Rothschild Antichrist. 
Let us sit and observe. It maybe that is the most important portent of our lifetime. If so, it would certainly mean glad tidings for those of us who survive the coming days and have witnessed the worst of some of the most bloodthirsty humans and their actions to now witness these magnificent men of God and their blessings in our lifetime.
Note from YM:
“YM believes King Abdullah II of Jordan will play the role of a false Al-Mahdi who will prepare for the return of the antichrist, David Mayer Rothschild.”
I actually believe what prophecy states. It states that Sufyani/King Abdullah will only be a temporary distraction, though he will be prolific and tough to beat. According to narrations his reign will only last nine months. The army which he will send to Makkah to fight Al-Mahdi will be swallowed by the earth (landsinking). Then It will all end when Imam Al-Mahdi defeats him on the eighth month of confrontation.
Sufyani does not, at least directly, pave way for the Antichrist. Sufyani has big hopes and dreams of his own. Sufyani is a forerunner to all
The antichrist
And Jesus Christ (PBUH)
As to your question re. how will we know this scenario is unfolding;
Assad is toppled because of Jordanian intervention and King Abdullah enters Damascus as victor.
If king Abdullah assumes control of Jerusalem
If king Abdullah is officially touted as Caliph
If he sends army to Makkah and Medinah
If any, some or all of these occurs; we have our man!


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