Zionist Jonathan Pollard: Investment Banker

Pollard looking on
1.Poor Jonathan Pollard.  After 30 years in prison he has finally been released and no doubt he will soon be in Israel where all sorts of goodies await him.
Sheldon Adelson’s newspaper reports that the stipulations for Pollard’s release are not kosher in any way, shape or form. For example he has to wear a GPS tracking device and any computer network he is associated with must agree to be the subject of US government surveillance – a pretty cool idea and you’ll see why if you continue reading.
But I want to digress for a moment.
Burt Prelutsky has just put out an article calling for all of Mecca to be bombed into oblivion. This article is a beautiful example of the coming together of Zionist lies and insane right-wing American politics.  A coincidence of interests which is very much supported by lying and very very very rich Zionists.  And Prelutsky, who loves to write about what it’s like to be a Jew and a conservative, engages here in his own form of taqiyya by pretending that he thinks Christianity is so wonderful.
“Unlike Christianity which says that we should treat others as we would wish to be treated, to love our neighbors as ourselves and to be our brother’s keeper, Islam’s message is a threat: Convert or perish.”
And of course, “convert or perish” is a perfectly-placed falsehood. His goal is to continue to instill hatred for Islam and Muslims among the general population of this country so they will continue to support American involvement in doing Israel’s dirty work. But back to our friend Jonathan.
The Adelson rag has a nice quote about how tough it will be for Jonathan to live while under constant threat of being killed by a drone – sorry, while being carefully watched by the US government that he betrayed.
“Lawyers have noted that these conditions make Pollard virtually unemployable, and he can hardly speak to anyone for fear of being quoted by the press.”
Oops.  But Haaretz reports that he already has a job.  Yup, he has a job with an investment firm in New York.  The firm is not named, but I’m sure the firm is owned by a bunch of Salafis with beards down to their knees.
Here’s a nice quote from the Haaretz piece. Shas Party members please be aware that the red highlighting is done by today’s guest editor, Michael Collins Piper, who I’m channelling through via a new iPhone app the tuyuur here at Mantiq al-Tayr created.
“There is no basis whatsoever to treat Mr. Pollard in that manner, and doing so is vindictive and cruel, as well as unlawful,” lawyers Eliot Lauer and Jacques Semmelman said.
Pollard has said he wants to immigrate to Israel where his second wife, Esther, lives, and where he can expect to receive substantial Israeli government back-pay. He was granted Israeli citizenship while in prison. 
Isn’t it kind of cool that this unnamed investment firm, probably has a name like “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Sons,” will now be subject to government monitoring of its computer systems?  Imagine what they might find.  Maybe they’ll find something like another record breaking hack into financial records as happened here.  Yup, hundreds of millions in profit.
So my prediction is that the restrictions will be lifted, because if that firm gets monitored lots of people could probably go to jail. But no doubt that firm and its lawyers have access to tons of stuff that’s used to blackmail government officials and representatives.  It will be fun to watch this.
2. ISIS is a bit of an enigma, isn’t it?  Amidst all the talk about how it is a self sustaining entity, that its funds come from within and not from without, talk which  I  have long believed is pretty much bullshit, I have wondered why this myth would be perpetuated by the mass media and the government.  My own rule of beak here at Mantiq al-Tayr is that if the main stream media and the government are constantly pushing the same thing then it is probably bullshit and at least some of it will have that nice Zionist spicy taste added to it.
One thing that I can’t help but harp on in this regard is that ISIS never attacks Israel and the fact that ISIS leadership states that its number one enemy is the Shi’a.  Hmm. I guess that is two things. In light of the Zio-Saudi alliance against Iran, that makes a lot of sense.
Here’s an article that helps make may case for me, sparing me lots of work. Give it a read and think about it.
3. I’m just getting back into blogging and I’m going to ease into it. Therefore,  many posts will be shorter in the early stages. After a while I’ll get into more detail.
4. It’s video time.
I’ve always loved Steve Martin. Here he plays an evocative tune he wrote entitled “The Great Remember” and he says it is for a friend of his named Nancy. Here is a review of the album which mentions the song and why he did not give “The Great Remember”  lyrics.  All of the tuyuur here at Mantiq al-Tayr are glad he made that choice. It makes the music more powerful.  Nancy is Nancy Short, the late wife of Martin Short.  While I prefer the version that is on the album called “Rare Bird Alert” (you knew there was an aviary theme in here somewhere), the solo version Steve does is more than sufficient.
So this is for a little angel I know. Go to the 42 second mark to hear Steve Martin start playing.  For me, this song is always just a mind’s eye – and ear – away.

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