A decade after 9/11, there is still a debate about how the towers were brought down, even though most aspects of the 9/11 Commission report have been discarded. 3000 murders are simply being ignored. For certain, no aircraft did significant damage to the WTC. Building 7 proved that beyond a doubt, even to the point where those selling the fantasy of box cutters and buildings melting from jet fuel are hiding behind shills, disinformationists and paid media blusterers.
They are, in fact, hiding behind criminals, each and every person who actively supports the tale of hijackers and falling buildings today may well be a co-conspirator in the largest crime in history.
One thing has changed, there are now witnesses to the conspiracy, testimony to those who planned and executed 9/11.
It isn’t just government “junk science” against the laws of physics and nature. The conspirators blabbed about it and we know who they are and can prove it.
However, just to put a nail in the government’s phony science, Jonathan Cole as done this excellent video: