John F. Kennedy Opposed IsraHell’s Power


Why Has No American President Ever Warned the Public About Israeli Lobby Treason?

by  Bob Johnson

John F. Kennedy and family.Tomorrow, November 22, 2011 is the 48th anniversary of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

One part of JFK’s character which will not be covered by the mass media is his courageous opposition to the power Israel enjoys over the United States of America.

In the thought provoking book, They Dare to Speak Out by Paul Findley we read on page 114 that during Kennedy’s campaign for president in 1960 he had a meeting with some prominent Jews.

Kennedy was very insulted when one of the Jews said they knew Kennedy’s campaign was in financial difficulty and that he and his Jewish friends would “help and help significantly” John Kennedy’s campaign if, as president, Kennedy “would allow them to set the course of Middle East policy over the next four years.”

It was this meeting that made JFK want to work for a law that would have the U.S. Treasury pay a set and equal amount for all politicians running for president who secured a to be determined percentage of signatures of people supporting their campaign.

The Samson Option – Seymour Hersh

He saw this as the only way to prevent the nightmare of today, which has not only the President, but the overwhelming majority of people in Congress bought and paid for by the very powerful Israeli lobby.

Israel’s lobby is so strong that hardly any politician will disobey their orders regarding U.S. Middle East foreign policy.

And that includes starting wars, such as the war in Iraq, which benefit Israel and harm America and the rest of the world.

In Seymour Hersh’s insightful book, The Samson Option, which addresses Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal, Hersh covers John Kennedy’s fight to stop Israel’s nuclear proliferation.

He writes that Kennedy was “fixated” on stopping the Jewish state’s nuclear build up.

Another interesting point in Hersh’s book is that the Democrat John Kennedy appointed a Republican, John A. McCone, to lead the C.I.A. because McCone was not afraid to confront Israel about its nuclear weapons work at Dimona.

In 1965 McCone resigned because Lyndon Johnson was afraid to confront Israel as Kennedy had done and Johnson was scared he would lose Jewish votes and support if he did try to stop Israel’s nuclear weapons program.

In 1965 the Gilpatric report, which has since been declassified, called for the U.S. to pressure other nations, including Israel, to not build nuclear weapons. Johnson ignored and suppressed the report. Every politician after Kennedy toed the line with the Israeli lobby after the assassination of John Kennedy.

Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, John F. Kennedy and John McCone – April 1962

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