Jewish-Nazi Racism and Intolerance of ‘the other’s



  1. #1 by SHAFAR NULLIFIDIAN on February 20, 2012 – 7:39 pm

    I pose the following as a subject for a considered debate or less extreme alternate solutions to correct the seemingly obvious. i opine that The Tribe is inferring that it represents the unwritten, unspoken thoughts of a growing number of “The Other”, thus the recent Masada-like pronouncement coming from authoritative sources in Israel and the Zionasties in the U.S
    There never was a time in history nor will there ever be a time when Hebrews/Israelites/Judeans/Jews whether Ashkenazim or Sephardi m/Conservatist/Reform/Orthodox-cultists or every stripe did, do not and will not have contempt for the “other”. It is genetic and failure to recognize this has resulted much of the chaos and misery throughout the world. Even those who convert to Judaism are deranged to the point where their monomaniacal narcissism is compatible with that of the cabalistic, tribal Jew. Jewish is synonymous with leprous. Only total isolation from every aspect of the humanity of “the other”(regardless of how shallow and currently unfulfilled) until the isolation results in the “Self Chosen” going the way of the the pterodactyl will the world have a chance at progression to universally human and ultimately universally humane.
  2. #2 by ruby22shoes on February 20, 2012 – 11:31 pm

    But the fact is they are not isolated, many seemingly assimilate, only to shed their chameleon coat when it’s time to make a stand.
    I keep going back to the notion that they’re a minority yet immobilize the peace movement, higher education, judiciary, elected officials, the ‘billionaire list.’ and whatever like the media that I forgot to include. They’ve cornered the illegal transplant industry, porn, slavery, gambling.
    I excluded the theft of Palestine & other grotesque actions connected to their occupation and domination,
    everything else is lied about, why not the census?
  3. #3 by equalizer on February 20, 2012 – 11:46 pm

  4. #4 by Al on February 21, 2012 – 2:20 am

    I am not surprised,… when the roots of a tree is bad the fruits will also be bad & poisonous. When their religious leader commits such an ugly sins, then what would you expect from their politicians?!…
    So, here the whole tree, from its roots to its fruits, is poisonous and this cancer is growing and spreading around…
  5. #5 by equalizer on February 21, 2012 – 2:24 am

    Yes, ruby22/kate, the actual percentage of jews in the United States, IMHO, is about 10% today. I addressed this at a number of times. I believe Dr. Edward Fields felt the “reported” number of jews in the U.S. was very low.
    If I’m correct, that’s 30+ million jews. Add the mafias and christian zionazi’s and you have quite a “rumble”. The jews won’t fight, tho; their cowards
    ps. I have an ocean of salty fluid draining down the back of my throat…..this has happened before, but I don’t know what the substance is. It wipes me out tho, and I am dried out and feverish. This may explain the ringing in my ears. There are two thumping noises on the exterior wall in the bedroom next to the kitchen where I’ve been sleeping. The “enemy” (BATF&E) probably placed something chemical in there to sicken me…those assholes sicken alright.
  6. #6 by ruby22shoes on February 21, 2012 – 5:39 pm

    Eq: as you undoubtedly know the eyes, ears, nose & throat are connected. You have copious fluid draining (probably from sinuses) & yet you say you’re dried out & feverish. In my limited understanding it sounds like an allergic reaction.
    My family is prone to sinus trouble – my daughter’s dentist said he’d never seen sinuses as large as hers. It can manifest in facial pain (a headache in the face) migraines, tintenitus (sounds in your head – whooosh, going together with pulse)
    I’d say drink liquids so you’re hydrated, if you have a fever take whatever you have to reduce it. I feel helpless b/c I have no other ideas, is it possible that you’ve been bitten by a venomous creature?

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