Nazi Jewish Settlers Burn Down Palestinian Churches and Mosques

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Israel’s Tag Meir organisation revealed on Monday that extremist Nazi Jewish settlers have carried out arson attacks on 46 mosques and 12 churches in the occupied West Bank and the 1948 occupied Palestine over the past decade.

Tag Meir, which was established 15 years ago to counter Nazi Jewish settlers’ hate crimes and racism in ‘Israel’ and the West Bank, said that the perpetrators of these crimes generally went unpunished. It pointed out that most of these arson attacks were committed by an extremist Nazi Jewish settler group called Price Tag, and that the criminals spray graffiti such as “Death to Arabs” and other hate messages on the walls of the buildings they burn down.

The last of these attacks was the on a mosque in the Beir Safafa neighbourhood of the Nazi occupied Jerusalem. The fire started by the illegal Nazi Jewish settlers caused severe damage to the building.

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