Zionist Jewish Chronicle deletes article about Corbyn’s support for Islington Chanukah event

Jewish Chronicle deletes article about Corbyn’s support for Islington Chanukah event


Article saying he shouldn’t have been invited also deleted

The Jewish Chronicle, which spent years attacking former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn – and paid out tens of thousands in compensation for smearing his supporters – deleted a 2017 article covering Jeremy Corbyn’s warm relations with the local Jewish community in his Islington constituency.

The original article showed a picture depicting the obviously good relations Corbyn enjoys with his Jewish constituents – he helped save an Orthodox Jewish cemetery from being turned into a housing development by the local council – and notes the comments of local Rabbi Mendy Korer that Corbyn had always supported the event,

and gets involved in other events so he can learn how he can assist the needs of the local community. I have a positive relationship with him.

The Jewish Chronicle was one of several right-wing Jewish publications to subsequently publish a coordinated front page claiming Corbyn was an ‘existential threat’ to UK Jews. The link to the original article now returns a ‘404 not found’ response:

The same fate has befallen a column published a couple of days after the first, attacking Corbyn’s invitation to the event and linking back to the original coverage. That article described Rabbi Korer as Corbyn’s ‘useful idiot’.

The deletion was discovered by Simon Cohen, who tweeted:

The coverage of Corbyn’s participation in the event remains online on the Wayback Machine archive here.

Mr Cohen also retweeted a share of a Skwawkbox video from earlier this year outlining the Jewish Chronicle’s appalling record of inaccuracy concerning left-wingers

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