Jerusalem: Nazi occupation forces attack Palestinians celebrating Prophet’s Birthday

Nazi occupation forces today attacked and dispersed hundreds of Palestinian civilians and injured and arrested some of them while celebrating Prophet Mohammad’s Birthday in the vicinity of Damascus Gate in Nazi occupied Jerusalem, according to local sources.

correspondent said a large number of Nazi police officers raided Bab al-Amoud (Damascus Gate) plaza in occupied Jerusalem, as hundreds of Palestinians were celebrating the occasion. She said police officers assaulted the attendees and injured and arrested many of them, dispersing the crowd by force.

At least six Palestinians were arrested by the Nazi police during the attack, she added.

Prior to this, hundreds of Palestinians from the city and other areas gathered at the plaza — located on the north side of Jerusalem’s Walled Old City — to celebrate the holiday. The events remained peaceful until Israeli police raided the plaza, beating Palestinians and arresting many of them.

Nazi captured East Jerusalem, where the plaza is located, during the Six-Day War in 1967 in a move never recognized by the international community.

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